Índice | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras clave
- a quien digo
- abyss
- academic novel
- Acevedo Alonso de
- Acosta Pedro de
- actio
- actor in women’s dress
- actores
- actors
- Adam de la Parra Juan
- adaptations (Italian)
- affirmation of the female body
- Agudeza
- Aguilar Beatriz
- Aguilar Beatriz de
- Aguilar Villaquirán Juan de
- Alatorre Antonio
- Alcalá de Henares
- Alemán Mateo
- Alfay Joseph
- Alfonso X
- allegories
- allegory
- alliterative chain
- allusion
- allusions
- Almeida António de
- Alonso Carrillo archbishop
- Alonso Dámaso
- altrobiography
- Álvarez de Toledo Fernando (duque de Alba)
- Álvarez de Toledo Gabriel
- amador
- amateur writer
- Amaya Francisco de
- Amsterdam
- analogy
- ancient tragedy (Euripides Seneca)
- andreia
- Andrómeda and Perseo
- anecdotes
- Angulo y Pulgar Martín de
- animal staging
- annotation of baroque texts
- annotation of texts
- anonymity
- antarabism in medicine
- anthology
- Anthony of Padua Saint
- anti-Catholic controversy
- anti-picaresque elements
- antiarabism
- anticlericalism
- anticulterana parody
- antinomy of the novel
- antiquarians
- Antonio Alatorre
- anxious search
- apariencia
- aphorisms
- apiary
- apocrypha
- apocryphal continuations
- Apostolic tradition
- Apulée
- Apuleius
- arbitrismo
- Arbitrismo
- archaeology
- Arguijo Juan de
- argumentation
- Arias Montano Benito
- Ariosto
- aristotelism
- Arrais Duarte Madeira
- ars dictaminis
- ars epistolandi
- art of voice
- artes moriendi
- asinity
- asperitas
- astrology
- attic
- attribution of a play
- attributions
- Augustine (Saint)
- aurea mediocritas
- authenticity
- author
- authorial marks
- authorial models
- authorial projection
- authorial voice
- authority
- authors
- authorship
- authorship.
- Auto
- autobiography
- autograph
- autograph manuscript
- autographs
- autorship
- bad taste
- Baeza Diego de
- baile
- balconies
- balcony
- Bances Candamo Francisco de
- Bandello Matteo
- bandit
- banter
- Baroque
- baroque
- Baroque hagiography
- Baroque literature
- baroque literature
- baroque novel
- baroque poetry
- Baroque prose
- Baroque Short Novel
- Baroque Theater
- Barrios Miguel de
- Barros Alonso de
- Bazán Álvaro de
- beatus ille
- bedroom
- Béjar duke of
- Bermúdez de Castro Jerónimo
- Berni
- Betancourt Luis Ángel
- biblical and patristic authorities
- biblical exegesis
- biblical tragedy
- bibliography
- biography
- birth of Christ
- Blâmont
- blood
- bloodletting
- Bocanegra Matías
- Bocángel Gabriel
- body
- book history
- books of poetry
- Borges
- borrador en verso
- Bourdieu
- bourgeois reformism
- braying episode
- bridge
- Brito José Correa de
- bucolic book
- bucolic canon
- Buen Retiro Coliseum
- Buen Retiro Palace
- bullfighting
- bulwark
- Burgos André de
- burla
- burlesque
- burlesque poetry
- burlesque portrait
- burlesque prose
- Cabrera de Córdoba Luis
- Cacchij Joseph
- Cadiz
- Calderón
- Calderón de la Barca
- Calderón de la Barca Pedro
- Calderonian corpus
- Calleja Diego
- Calvete de Estrella Juan Cristóbal
- Camacho’s Weddings
- Camões Luis de
- Camões Luís de
- Cáncer y Velasco Jerónimo
- Cancionero poetry
- canonical and extra-canonical printed tradition
- canonical visitation
- cape and dagger
- captives
- Caramuel
- Caramuel Lobkowitz Juan
- carbuncle
- Carlos V
- Caro Ana
- Carranza de Miranda Bartolomé
- Carrascón Tomás
- Cartagena Teresa de
- Carteret lord
- Carvalho Manuel Coelho de
- Cascales Francisco
- Castiglione Baldassare
- Castilian Courts
- Castilla
- Castillo Solórzano
- Castillo Solórzano Alonso de
- Castro Francisco de
- Castro Guillén de
- Castro Manuel Araújo de
- casuism
- cat
- CATCOM database
- catechism
- Catholics Monarchs
- causa mortis
- cave
- celebratory and catechetical aim
- Celestinesque comedy
- Cenobia
- censorship
- censure
- censures and approval.
- census.
- Centenera Antón de
- cento
- Cephalus
- Cerda Catalina de la
- Cerda fray Juan de la
- Cerda fray Juan Luis de
- Cerda Gastón de la
- ceremonial
- Cervante Miguel de
- Cervantes
- Cervantes Miguel de
- Cervantes’poetry
- Cervantine ingenuity
- Cervantine writing
- cervantism
- Cetina Gutierre de
- Céu Violante de
- character
- characters
- Charles II of Spain
- Charles V
- chiasmus
- chirology
- chironomy
- chivalric novel
- chivalry
- chivalry novel
- chorogaphy
- Christian epics
- Christian Humanism
- Christian humanism
- Christine of Sweden
- Chueca Federico
- Church
- Cicognini Giacinto Andrea
- circle
- classical authorities
- classical tradition
- classicism
- clientelism
- Cobaleda José de
- Cobaleda y Aguilar José de
- codes of conduct
- codex exceptorius
- Coello Antonio de
- Coello Claudio
- coherence
- Colinas Antonio
- collections of novellas
- Colodrero de Villalobos Miguel
- Colón Hernando
- Colonial literature
- colonial poetry
- Comedia
- comedia de santos
- comedia nueva
- comedias de privanza
- comedies
- comedy
- comedy written in collaboration
- comic
- comic servant
- Commander
- commentaries
- commentary
- commercial novel
- companies and actors
- comparative stance
- compilation/collection
- composition
- composition of the play
- comuneros
- concentric structure
- concept
- conceptism
- Conde de
- contemporary Spanish literature
- controversy
- conversational mimesis
- conversion
- conversion tales
- Córdoba
- Cordova (17th century)
- Cornejo Damián
- Corpus
- corral
- correspondence
- Corte-Real Jerónimo
- Corte-Real Jerónimo de
- Cortes
- Cortés de Tolosa
- Council of Trent
- count of the original text
- Counter Reformation
- Counter-Reformation
- country
- court
- court culture
- court drama
- court novels
- court society
- courtesan philosophy
- courtesy
- courtesy manual
- courtesy manuals
- courtier
- courtier writer
- courtly drama
- courtly novel
- Courtly Novel
- creative process
- critic
- critical apparatus
- critical edition
- critical jargon
- Criticón (review)
- critique
- Cromberger Jacobo
- Cromberger Jácome
- Cromberger Juan
- Cruz sor Juana Inés de la
- Cuarta parte de comedias (Calderón)
- Cubillo de Aragón Álvaro
- Cuebas Francisco de las
- Cueva Juan de la
- culteranism
- cultism
- culture
- cultutal desappropriation
- Cupido
- customs
- Cyprus
- Da Signa Boncompagno
- dance
- Dancing
- danza
- Davies John
- de Molina
- de senectute cycle
- debate on poverty
- Deça de Sottomayor Simón
- Decalogue
- deception
- decorum
- dedication
- dedications
- dedications to female
- dedicatories
- Della Casa Giovanni
- Denores Giason
- Descalzas Reales
- description
- desire
- deterioration
- deviation
- devices
- dezir
- dialogue
- Díaz de Rivas Pedro
- didascalias
- Diego Guillén de Ávila
- Diferentes
- digo digo
- digression
- dispositio
- Dissimulation
- distinction
- doble
- doctrinal message
- Domínguez Camargo Hernando
- Don Quixote
- Don Quixote and the modern novel
- door
- dramatic construction
- dramatic space
- dramatic structure
- duende
- Dupuis Claude (Sieur des Roziers)
- Durand Guillaume
- Dutch Golden Age
- Early Modern Age
- Early Modern Period
- early modern poetics
- Early Modern Spanish poetry
- ecclesiastical biography
- eclogue
- eclogues
- École Normale Supérieure
- editio princeps
- edition
- editorial practices
- editorial strategy
- education
- Eighty Years War
- eigthteenth century
- ekphrasis
- El Escorial (San Lorenzo de)
- elegy
- elusion
- emblematic literatura
- emblematics
- emblems
- emendations
- emotions
- enárgeia
- Encina Juan del
- Encomiastic Poetry (16th Century)
- encomium
- end of the seventeenth century
- endecasillabi incatenati
- engraving
- Enrique Gómez Antonio
- Enríquez Gómez Antonio
- entertainment literature
- entremés
- enunciation
- Envy
- epic
- epic narrative
- epic poetry
- epidictic poetry
- epigramme
- Epigrammes
- episcopalian exemplarity
- episode
- epistolography
- epitaph
- Erasmian ideal
- Erasmus of Rotterdam Desiderius
- erudition
- esoterism
- Espinel Vicente
- Espinosa Pedro
- Esquilache Príncipe de
- essay
- esthetic exemplarity
- ethical and social architecture of playhouses
- ethical controversy (theater)
- ethnic)
- Eucharistic theology
- Europe (review)
- Eurydice
- evidentia
- exegesis
- exemplariness of the preacher
- exemplarity
- exemplary novel
- exemplary short story
- exhaustion
- extralocal vision
- Faba Guido
- fable
- Fall of Antwerp
- fantastic animals
- farce comedy
- farces
- farcical interlude scenes
- Faria e Sousa Manuel
- Faria e Sousa Manuel de
- farse
- fateful goddesses
- Feijoo Benito Jerónimo
- female boldness
- female characters
- female role models
- feminism
- Ferdinand III the Saint
- Fernández de Avellaneda Alonso
- Fernández de Córdoba Francisco
- Fernández de León Melchor
- Fernández de Oviedo Gonzalo
- Fernández Lucas
- festive prose
- festivity
- Ficino Marsilio
- fiction
- fictional forms
- figure
- fire scene (staging)
- first names
- Flos sanctorum
- folk tale
- folklore
- Fomperosa Pedro
- Fontanella Francesc
- food
- fool (literature of the)
- forbidden books
- Forqué José María
- four elements
- Fox Morcillo Sebastián
- frame story
- France
- Francesc Fontanella
- Francisco de Borja (Saint)
- Francisco de la
- free will
- Freyre Isabel
- Fuentelapeña fray Antonio de
- Fuentes Alonso de
- full narrative
- function
- funeral ceremony
- Funeral Poetry
- Gadea Sebastián Antonio de
- game
- Game of the Goose
- García de Santa María Gonzalo
- García Matamoros Alfonso
- García Puyazuelo Martín
- Garcilaso de la Vega
- garden
- Garrido de Villena Francisco
- genealogical comedia
- Genovese
- genre
- geography
- Germany
- gesture
- Gibraltar
- Giordano Luca
- Giraldi Cinzio
- gloss
- Golden Age
- Golden Age poetry
- Golden Age Spanish poetry
- Golden Age theater
- Golden Age’s translations of the corpus lucianeum
- Golden tradition
- Gómez Alonso (widow)
- Gómez Mangas Juan
- Gondomar count of
- Góngora
- Góngora Luis de
- Gongoran polemic
- gongoresque controversy
- gongorism
- González de Eslava Fernán
- González de Mendoza Pedro
- González de Salas Jusepe Antonio
- Goyri María
- Gracia Dei Pedro de
- Gracián Baltasar
- Gracián Dantisco Lucas
- gracioso
- grammar
- Granada
- Guarini Giambattista
- Guerra Teresa
- Guerra y Ribera fray Manuel de
- Guevara
- Gutiérrez de los Ríos Francisco
- Gutiérrez Juan José
- Guzmán y Silva Manuel Alonso de (conde de Niebla)
- hagiographic comedy
- hagiographical drama
- hagiography
- hand
- hand-making of books
- handwritten difusion
- Hapsburgs
- hearing
- Hearing
- Hegelian theory of tragedy
- Hergé
- hermeneutical precision
- hermetism
- Hernández de Villaumbrales Pedro
- heroic poetry
- Herrera Fernando de
- Herrera Gabriel Alonso de
- heterodoxy
- hidalgos
- hiding
- Hippomanes and Atalanta
- historical discourse
- historical linguistics
- Historical prose
- historical similitude
- historical thought
- Historiographical theory
- historiography
- history
- history and poetry
- history and theater
- history of botany
- history of medicine
- history of the Spanish language
- Holy Land
- honor
- Horace
- Huarte de San Juan Juan
- humanism
- Humanism
- humanistic erudition
- humanistic solitude. elegiac loneliness
- humourous autobiography
- Hurtado de Mendoza Diego
- Hurus
- Hurus Pablo
- hybridism of literary genres
- hyperbaroque
- Ibaso Juan de
- identity
- identity (religious
- idleness
- illustration
- illustrations
- image
- imagination
- imitatio
- imitation
- impoliteness
- imprese
- inclusion
- incunabula
- incunabula period
- incunabulum
- indexes of prohibited books
- Infant Margarita
- influence
- influence of Camões
- initiation
- Inmaculate Conception
- inn
- Inquisition
- inserted poetry
- inter-generic translation
- interludes (17th and 18th centuries)
- internal rhyme
- interpolation
- interruptions
- intertextuality
- intralocal vision
- intrigue
- introito
- invención
- invented adventure
- irony
- Isaiah
- Isla father José Francisco de
- Italian influence
- Italian sources
- Italian theory of the “novella”
- La Mancha
- ladder
- Lantery Raimundo de
- Lanuza Mendoza y Arellano Marcos de (primer conde de Clavijo)
- Lara Polop Francisco
- Las soledades [The Solitudes]
- latinists
- laughter
- lawfulness of theatre
- learned word
- legitimization
- leisure
- León fray Luis de
- León Luis de
- León Marchante Manuel de
- León Pinelo Antonio de
- Leopold I
- Lepantine Epic
- Lerma duke of
- letters
- lexical microstructures
- Liaño Isabel de
- Liaño Juan de
- library
- library of Roncesvalles
- life and literature
- light
- Liñán y Verdugo
- Liñán y Verdugo Antonio
- lines of research
- Lira Alonso de
- lírica amorosa
- Lisbon
- lists o plays
- literary attribution
- literary continuation. Lucian of Samósata
- literary controversies
- literary criticism
- literary dialogue
- literary exegesis
- literary field
- literary genre
- literary Hispano-Portuguese relations
- literary mystification
- literary prestige
- literary structure
- literary symbology
- literary translation
- litteracy
- Llamosas Lorenzo de las
- Llull Antonio
- Lobo Lasso de la Vega Gabriel
- López de Úbeda Francisco
- López de Villalobos Francisco
- López Pinciano Alonso
- lopismo
- Lorenzo de Zamora
- Lotti Cosme
- Louis XIV
- love
- love and desire
- love letter
- love theme
- low baroque
- low style
- Lugo y Dávila
- Luis de León
- Luis de León fray
- Luso-Castilian authors
- Luso-Castilian interliterary community
- Luso-Castilian texts
- lyric poetry (Italian)
- lyric poetry (Spanish)
- lyrical balladry
- L’Estrange Roger
- Machiavellism
- machine of the world
- Madrid
- Madrid Francisco de
- Madrigal Pedro
- majesty
- male sonans
- Maluenda Jacinto Alonso
- man on woman clothes
- Manrique de Lara y Gonzaga María Luisa (countess of Paredes)
- Manuel Alonso (duke of Medina Sidonia and earl of Niebla)
- manuscript
- manuscript Chacón
- manuscript songbooks
- manuscript tradition
- manuscripts
- manuscripts of Palacio.
- manuscrito autógrafo
- March Ausiàs
- Marcial
- Marcus Curtius
- Margaret of Antioch (Saint)
- Margaret of Austria (Saint)
- Margaret of the Cross (sister)
- María de Santo Domingo sor
- Mariana Juan de
- Mariner Vicente
- Marino Giovan Battista
- maritime imagery
- Márquez Juan
- Martí Juan (Mateo Luján de Sayavedra)
- Martínez de la Roza Francisco
- Martínez de Mata Francisco
- martyrs
- Mary of Portugal
- masculinity
- Mateo Alemán
- material bibliography
- materiality
- Matos Fragoso Juan de
- matrimony
- Maupassant Guy de
- Mayans y Siscar Gregorio
- medical humanism
- Medinaceli House of
- memory
- mental images
- mercantilism
- merchants
- meretrix honesta
- Merotisso Cintio (Bernardino de Albornoz)
- Mesa Gaspar de
- metamorphosis
- metamorphosis novel
- metaphors
- meter
- metrics
- metrics and dramatic structure
- Mey Aurelio
- Mey Felipe
- Mey Joan
- Mey Pedro Patricio
- Mey Sebastián
- Miguel de
- Milán Luis
- militarization
- military ethics
- Millis Godínez Vicente de
- mimetic desire
- Miniatore Bartolomeo
- minor poets
- Minsheu John
- misogyny
- mnemotechnic
- mockery
- model
- models of sanctity
- modern novel
- modernity
- mojiganga
- Momblán
- Monardes Nicolás
- Moncada (casa de)
- Montesinos
- moorish ballad
- Moors
- moral complexity
- moral exemplarity
- Morales Ambrosio de
- morality
- Moriscos
- Moses
- Mosquera de Figueroa Cristóbal
- motto
- mountain
- movement
- multisensoriality
- mundinovo
- music
- mystic
- mythological comedia
- mythological comedy
- mythological drama
- mythological fable
- mythology
- Nao d’Amores
- Narbona Eugenio de
- narrate
- narrative
- narrative framework
- narrative functions
- narrative strategies
- Narrative style
- narrative voice
- narratives of the I
- narrator
- narrator delegating his role to characters in Don Quixote
- national
- national identity
- natura paucis contenta
- natural idiom
- natural law
- Navarra Francisco de
- Negri Francesco
- neo-latin literature
- Neoplatonism
- neoplatonism
- neostoicism
- New Christians
- new early editions
- new science
- New Spain
- New Spain historiography
- New Spain poetry
- news of performances
- Nicolás y Sacharles Juan
- nobiliary esthetic
- normative and normative-breaking
- nothing
- novatores
- novatores (age of the)
- novel
- novela cortesana
- novelesque prose
- novella
- novellieri
- Nucio Martín
- Nuevas Escogidas
- Núñez de Reinoso Alonso
- oblivion
- Ocaña Francisco de
- Ocho comedias y ocho entremeses nuevos
- Ode
- Odysseic narrative structure
- offence
- old go-between
- Olivares conde-duque de
- one-act play
- onomastic
- onomastic meaning
- opera
- oral-written equation
- orality
- original sin
- Orpheus
- orthoepy
- orthography
- Ortiz de Villena José
- Osuna Duke of
- Oudin César
- Ovid
- Owen John
- Padilla Pedro de
- Páez de Castro Juan
- Páez frei Baltezar
- Painting
- palace play
- palaeography
- palatine comedy
- palatine plays
- Palmart Lambert
- Palmireno Juan Lorenzo
- panegyric
- Panegyric Literature
- panegyrics
- Pantaleón de Ribera Anastasio
- paratext
- paratexts
- Paravicino fray Hortensio
- paremias
- Parnassus
- parody
- parody of chivalric romance
- Parra Adam de la
- Parte de comedias
- Partes de comedias
- Partes de comedias authorized
- Partes de comedias unauthorized
- Partes of multiple playwrights
- Pasamonte Ginés de
- passage way
- pastiche
- pastoral
- pastoral novel
- pastoral poetry
- pastoral tradition
- pedagogy
- Pedro de
- Pelayo Orlando
- Pellicer José
- Pellicer José de
- penitence
- Pérez de Guzmán y Silva
- Pérez de Montalbán Juan
- Pérez de Montoro José
- performance
- performance of unveiling
- performances (17th)
- Perotti Niccolò
- persuasion
- Petrarch
- petrarchism
- Phaeton
- phenomena (natural
- philological requirements
- philology
- philosophical anthropology
- philosophical)
- Phryne
- physical bibliography
- pias aures offendens
- picaresque
- picaresque genre
- picaresque novel
- Picaresque novel
- picarismo
- pilgrim
- pilgrimage
- Pinto Manuel de Almeida
- place names
- plagiarism
- plan in prose
- play
- plays in collaboration
- playwright involvement
- pleasure
- poemas de retrato
- poetic
- poetic criticism
- poetic edition
- poetic imitation
- poetic ornament
- poetic reception
- poetic register
- poetic sources for history
- poetic structure
- poetic work
- poetics
- poetics of solitude
- poetry
- poetry (Lope de Vega)
- Poetry and Art
- poetry contests
- poetry of the 17th century
- polemics
- polionomasia
- politic pamphlets
- political propaganda
- political satire
- politics and literature
- politics and religion
- polymetry and dramatic structure
- polymorphism of the novel
- polyphony
- Ponce Manuel
- portrait
- Portugal
- Porugal
- Positivism
- post-Baroque Spanish poetry
- post-modern criticism
- posthumous editions
- Pragmatic history
- pre-figurón
- preaching (quasi-sacramental conception of)
- preliminary pieces
- present staging vs. reconstruction
- Prester John
- preternatural
- print-shop of Viuda de Alonso Martín
- print-shop of «Juan de la Cuesta»
- printed cancionero poetry
- printed matter
- printed plays
- printing
- printing corrections
- printing of «Partes de comedias»
- printing press
- printing-press fair copy
- Proaza’s «metrical colophon»
- probabilism
- process of conversion
- production
- professional writer
- prologues
- propaganda
- Propertius
- prosaism
- prose fiction writing
- prose plan
- prosimeter
- prosimetrum
- Proteo
- providential history
- prudence
- Pseudo Longinus
- Pseudo-Libiano
- Ptolemaic cosmography
- pulla
- Pyrenees
- rationalism
- Ravisius Textor
- reader
- readers
- reading
- reading of theatre
- Real Alcázar de Madrid
- reason
- rebellion
- Rebello Manuel Coelho
- Rebolledo Bernardino de (conde de Rebolledo)
- reception
- reception of Barclay
- reception of Corneille
- reception of La Calprènede
- reception of La Calprènede.
- reclusion
- recusatio
- Reformation
- Reguera
- relationship between manuscript and printed traditions
- relationship between the reader and performed theatre
- relationship between the two parts of Don Quixote
- religion
- religious dissent
- religious drama
- religious epic
- religious literature
- religious play
- religious plays
- religious poetry
- religious prose
- religious theatre
- religious-moralizing poetry
- Remiro de Navarra Baptista
- Renaissance
- Renaissance Theatre
- representation
- resilience in literature
- resistance
- Respublica litteraria
- Restauration (Portugal)
- restrictio
- rework
- rewrite
- rewriting
- Rewriting of the Classics
- rhetoric
- rhetoric proposal
- Ribeiro Bernardim
- Ribera Juan de
- ritual
- robbery
- Robert Jammes
- Robertson William
- Rocabertí sor Hipólita de Jesús
- Roch (saint)
- Rodrigues Lobo Francisco
- Rodríguez de León el Indiano Juan
- rogue
- Rojas Zorrilla Francisco de
- roman à clef
- romance
- romancero erudito
- romancero historiado
- romanceros (between 1589 and 1614)
- romances of chivalry
- Romero Bartolomé
- room (chamber)
- Rossini Gioacchino
- Royal Festival
- Rueda Lope de
- Ruiz de Alarcón Juan
- Saavedra Fajardo Diego
- Saavedra Fajardo Diego de
- sacramental plays
- sacraments
- sacred oratory
- sacred rhetoric
- saint relics
- sainthood
- saintliness and royalty
- saints’ play
- Salas Barbadillo
- Salas Barbadillo Alonso Jerónimo de
- Salazar de Mendoza Pedro (1549-1629)
- Salazar y Torres Agustín de
- Salcedo Coronel
- Salcedo Coronel García de
- Salgado Pedro
- Salinas Francisco de
- Sampedro Jerónimo de
- San Jerónimo Ana de
- San José Jerónimo de
- Sánchez Burguillos Juan
- Sánchez de Badajoz Diego
- Sánchez de Moratalla Alfonso
- Sánchez Vicente
- Sancho Panza
- Sannazaro Jacopo
- Santa Isabel María de
- Santander Diego de
- Santander Luis de
- Santos Francisco
- satire
- Satire
- satirical drama
- satirico-burlesque poetry
- sayings
- scandal
- scenic images
- scenography
- science
- sea
- sea journey
- seclusion
- secret
- secular theater
- segmentation
- Segovia Juan de
- Segunda parte de comedias
- Segura fray Juan Antonio de
- self-commentary
- self-representation
- Sempere Andreu
- senses
- sensory spectacle
- sensory studies
- Sepúlveda Lorenzo de
- serious palace plays and comical palace plays
- serpent that bites its own tale (ouroboros)
- seventeenth century
- Seventeenth-century Portuguese theatre
- Seventeenth-century Sevillian society
- seventeenth-century Spanish theatre
- Sevile
- Sevilla
- Sevilla (16th)
- Seville
- sevillian group (16th)
- Sexta parte de comedias
- sharpness
- ships
- short novel
- Short novel
- Short Novel
- short story
- sight
- Sight
- significance
- Sigüenza y Góngora Carlos de
- Silenus
- silva
- Silva Manoel da Costa e
- Silva y Mendoza Diego de (conde de Salinas)
- silvae
- Sixteenth Century
- sixteenth century literature
- sleep
- smuggling
- Sobrino Francisco
- sociability
- social criticism
- Society of Jesus
- society of the Golden Age
- Soledades (setting)
- soliloquy
- Solís Antonio de
- Song
- sonnet
- sonnets
- Soria Fray Alonso de
- sound effects
- space
- space/time
- Spain
- Spanish Ballads
- Spanish Baroque poetry
- Spanish drama of the Golden Age
- Spanish Golden Age
- Spanish Golden Age drama
- Spanish Golden Age theatre
- Spanish Golden Age Theatre
- Spanish Inquisition
- Spanish language
- Spanish litterature of Golden Age
- Spanish Match
- Spanish neo-Senecan tragedy
- Spanish poetry of the Golden Age
- Spanish poetry of the seventeenth century
- Spanish political thought
- Spanish sixteenth-century tragedy
- Spanish theater of the Golden Age
- Spanish tragedy of the sixteenth century
- Spanish women writers
- special effects
- spelling debates
- Spiritual chivalric narrative
- Spiritual literature
- stage directions
- staging
- Stoicism in the ode
- storm
- story
- structure
- style
- stylistic variants
- Suárez de Figueroa Cristóbal
- suavitas
- sublime
- sublime / the
- sueltas
- sun
- supernatural)
- symbolic motifs.
- synesthesia
- syphilis
- tableau vivant
- tacitism
- Tacitism
- Tafalla Negrete José
- tale
- Támara Francisco
- Tasso Torquato
- taste
- Tavera Juan Pardo de
- taxonomy
- television adaptation
- testimonies
- Texeda Gaspar de
- text editing
- texts from the Golden Age
- Textual Bibliography
- textual critic
- textual critical edition
- textual Criticism
- textual criticism
- textual filiation
- textual interpretation
- textual philology
- textual sources
- textual transmission
- textual variants
- The Inquisition
- the war of restoration
- theater
- Theater
- theatrality and performance
- theatre
- theatre direction
- theatre of the sixteenth century
- theatre reading
- theatrical activity in Cadiz (1690-1700)
- theatrical chronology
- theatrical comic devices
- theatrical manuscript
- theatrical songs
- theatrical work
- theoretical treatises
- theory of laughter
- theriac
- thesis novel
- Thirty Years War
- thresholds
- Time (image of)
- Timoneda Joan
- Tirso
- Tirso de Molina
- titles
- topics for inspiration
- Torquemada Antonio de
- Torre Francisco de la
- Torre Sevil Francisco de la
- Torre y Sevil Francisco de
- Torres Naharro Bartolomé de
- Torres Rámila Pedro
- Torres Villarroel Diego
- trade
- traditional criticism
- tragedy
- tragicomedy
- trail
- translation
- Translation
- translations
- transvestism
- travel
- truth (religioius
- Turia Ricardo de
- typographical analysis
- typology
- tyrannicide
- Vaca Gabriel
- Valencia
- valiente plays
- Vandalio (Gutierre de Cetina)
- Vargas Sancho
- Vega Andrés de la
- Vega Bernardo de la
- Vega Carpio Lope de
- Vega Lope de
- vejamen to the Devil
- Vélez de Guevara Juan
- Vélez de Guevara Luis
- Vélez de Guevara Pedro
- Venus
- Vera Tassis Juan de
- Vera Tassis Villarroel Juan de
- Vera Tassis y Villarroel Juan de
- Vergil
- verisimilitude
- versification
- Version
- Viana Juan de
- Vicente Gil
- Viceroyalty of Naples
- Villamarina Isabella
- Villamediana
- Villamediana count of
- Villar Francisco del
- Villavicencio Lorenzo de
- Villerías José de
- violence
- Virgen de Guadalupe
- Virgen de los Remedios
- Virgil
- Virgilio Polidoro
- virtus
- Virués Cristóbal de
- visual
- visual culture
- visual effects
- visual imaginary
- Vitoria Francisco de
- Vives Juan Luis
- vocal technique
- vocality
- voice
- volumes of plays
- Vondel Joost van den
- Vossler Karl
- vraisemblance and wonder