About the journal
Carried since 1982 by the research team of philosophers of the University of Caen Normandy, the EA 2129 “Identity and Subjectivity”, the Cahiers de philosophie de l’université de Caen succeeded in 1996 to the Cahiers de philosophie politique et juridique founded by Simone Goyard-Fabre.
Since then, the journal has continued to publish articles in the fields of moral, political and legal philosophy, but it has expanded the themes of its files to the others fields of philosophy, with a focus, nevertheless, on metaphysical questions. The Cahiers de philosophie de l’université de Caen aimed at renewing the reflexion in several fields of philosophy and at presenting the research of the best specialists in each field.
The articles of the journal are selected by a reading committee. Appearing at the rate of a number per year, they consist of a thematic file and one or two “varia”.
The thematic files reflect the interests of the research team “Identity and Subjectivity”: metaphysics (Lévinas: au-delà du visible, no. 49; Figures du “Cogito”, no. 50; “Totalitas”. Aux origines d’un concept, no. 53), phenomenology (Heidegger et la phénoménologie de l’art, no. 55), russian philosophy (Philosophie russe: métaphysique, culture et religion, no. 48), aesthetic philosophy (Esthétiques de Diderot. La nature du beau, no. 51; Heidegger et la phénoménologie de l’art, no. 55), political philosophy and the philosophy of social sciences (Lectures de Gabriel Tarde, no. 54; Le concept de communauté, no. 56).