Collaboration in Cataloguing
- Traduction(s) :
- المشاركة في الفهرسة : المخطوطات الإسلامية في جامعة ميشيغان [ar]
Texte intégral
1The University of Michigan Library is in the final year of a three-year, grant-funded project to fully catalogue its Islamic Manuscripts Collection. Supported by a “Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives” grant administered by the Council on Library and Information Resources with generous funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the project, “Collaboration in Cataloging: Islamic Manuscripts at Michigan” engages established and emerging scholars by involving them in the cataloguing process – examination, description and generation of searchable metadata – for the collection of roughly 1,100 manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish dating from the 8th to the 20th century CE.
2The manuscripts are being digitized and made freely accessible through the HathiTrust Digital Library in order to facilitate the cataloguing work, which leverages a web-based “crowdsourcing” approach to generate rich and detailed descriptions addressing both material and textual characteristics. The efforts of project staff at the University of Michigan, led by project cataloguer Evyn Kropf, are thus supplemented by contributions from the wider scholarly community as colleagues interact with brief inventory descriptions and the digitized manuscripts via the project website.
3Treasures from the collection are being unearthed, and the Library is pleased to invite colleagues around the world to join us in the cataloguing endeavors. We look forward to seeing your comments on the project website.
Islamic Manuscripts at Michigan: Tuhfe-yi Şâhidî,1123

Incipit page from Isl. Ms. 399, an elegant copy of Tuhfe-yi Şâhidî with marginal glosses in a splendid arrangement of floral shapes, completed and presented to Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Pasha (d.1730) in 1123 [1711 or 1712].
University of Michigan
Islamic Manuscripts at Michigan: alTalwīḥ ilá kašf ḥaqā’iq al-tanqīḥ maca ḥāšiyat Ḥasan Chalabī, copied in Yemen in 1090 [1679]
![Islamic Manuscripts at Michigan: alTalwīḥ ilá kašf ḥaqā’iq al-tanqīḥ maca ḥāšiyat Ḥasan Chalabī, copied in Yemen in 1090 [1679]](docannexe/image/1914/img-2-small480.jpg)
Title page and facing flyleaf with numerous former owners’ marks, notes and contents listing in Isl. Ms. 564, a fine copy of alTalwīḥ ilá kašf ḥaqā’iq al-tanqīḥ maca ḥāšiyat Ḥasan Chalabī, copied in Yemen in 1090 [1679] under the patronage of Faḫr al-Dīn cAbd Allāh b. cAlī b. cIzz al-Dīn al-Akwac.
University of Michigan
Table des illustrations
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Titre | Islamic Manuscripts at Michigan: Tuhfe-yi Şâhidî,1123 |
Légende | Incipit page from Isl. Ms. 399, an elegant copy of Tuhfe-yi Şâhidî with marginal glosses in a splendid arrangement of floral shapes, completed and presented to Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Pasha (d.1730) in 1123 [1711 or 1712]. |
Crédits | University of Michigan |
URL | |
Fichier | image/jpeg, 88k |
![]() |
Titre | Islamic Manuscripts at Michigan: alTalwīḥ ilá kašf ḥaqā’iq al-tanqīḥ maca ḥāšiyat Ḥasan Chalabī, copied in Yemen in 1090 [1679] |
Légende | Title page and facing flyleaf with numerous former owners’ marks, notes and contents listing in Isl. Ms. 564, a fine copy of alTalwīḥ ilá kašf ḥaqā’iq al-tanqīḥ maca ḥāšiyat Ḥasan Chalabī, copied in Yemen in 1090 [1679] under the patronage of Faḫr al-Dīn cAbd Allāh b. cAlī b. cIzz al-Dīn al-Akwac. |
Crédits | University of Michigan |
URL | |
Fichier | image/jpeg, 75k |
Pour citer cet article
Référence électronique
Evyn Kropf, « Collaboration in Cataloguing », Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen [En ligne], 12 | 2011, mis en ligne le 30 novembre 2013, consulté le 06 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :
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