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Instructions for authors

The journal Cahiers de la Mémoire contemporaine – Bijdragen tot de Eigentijdse Herinnering (Contemporary Memory Journal) is published annually, since 1999, by the Foundation of Contemporary Memory – Fondation de la Mémoire contemporaine – Stichting voor de Eigentijdse Herinnering, Brussels ( It proposes original research on the history of Jews in Belgium. Articles are submitted to a scientific committee that consists of various academic specialists. Contributions are written in French, Dutch, English and German.

Article submission

Articles should be sent to info[at] Authors should mention their title/affiliation, and will receive a copy of the journal upon publication (as well as a pdf offprint). The following formal guidelines should be closely observed:

Publishing policies

Articles are submitted to a scientific committee that consists of various academic specialists. Contributions are written in French, Dutch, English and German.

Core text

Texts will not exceed 100.000 signs, whereby paragraphs will be of reasonable length; 1 sentence-paragraphs should be avoided. Subtitles should be used, but not at the beginning of articles; first-level subtitles are Roman and bold, possible second-level subtitles are italic and bold. Please do not use subtitle numbering (exception: citations).


Footnotes are used, maximum 1 per sentence. They contain references to sources and literature; all other contents (precisions, further developments,…) should be inserted into the core text. Note references generally preceed major interpunction such as full stops and semicolons. Example : Les bureaux se situaient rue Joseph Dupont, à Bruxelles, à l’étage des bâtiments occupés par la Grande Synagogue de Bruxelles, rue de la Régence1. In citations, the note reference system used in the following 2 examples should be applied : 1) Il dit que « c’est absolument faux »1. 2) Il dit : « C’est absolument faux. »1

References (literature and archives)


J. Bloch, Les inscriptions sanscrites de l’Inde du Sud, Paris, 1888.

Reference to specific pages: J. Bloch, Les inscriptions sanscrites de l’Inde du Sud, Paris, 1888, pp. 78-89.

J.-Ph. Schreiber – R. Van Doorslaer (éds.), Les curateurs du ghetto. L’Association des Juifs en Belgique sous l’occupation nazie, Bruxelles, 2003.

Reference to specific pages: J.-Ph. Schreiber – R. Van Doorslaer (éds.), Les curateurs du ghetto. L’Association des Juifs en Belgique sous l’occupation nazie, Bruxelles, 2003, pp. 25-79.

Book chapters

J. Nelis, « The situation in Ghent, Flanders », in: J.-Ph. Schreiber – R. Van Doorslaer (éds.), Les curateurs du ghetto. L’Association des Juifs en Belgique sous l’occupation nazie, Bruxelles, 2003, pp. 23-165.

Journal articles

J. Bloch, « Une inscription sanscrite de Madras », dans Revue asiatique, n° 12, 1889, pp. 23-45.


The following information should be listed: Place/name of the archives and abbreviation, to be used in subsequent notes; name of the archival fund; file name and/or number; document description; date.

Example: Archives générales du Royaume (AGR), Police des Étrangers, 738, lettre de Jacques Kowalski à Gérard Meyer, 25.04.1947.

In subsequent footnotes this becomes: AGR, Police des Étrangers, 739, procès verbal de la réunion du 23.07.1957.

General observations

Upon repeated citation, op. cit. will be used. Example: J.-Ph. Schreiber – R. Van Doorslaer (éds.), op. cit., pp. 117-123. When a footnote refers to the same source as the previous one, Ibid. will be used. Example: footnote: J.-Ph. Schreiber – R. Van Doorslaer (éds.), Les curateurs du ghetto. L’Association des Juifs en Belgique sous l’occupation nazie, Bruxelles, 2003, pp. 47-49 ; subsequent footnote : Ibid., pp. 124-128.


When citations are shortened, […] is used; [sic] is used when citations contain mistakes, surprising contents etc. French quotes (« and ») are used for citations ; English quotes (“ and ”) are used for citations within citations and euphemisms. For citations and words in languages different from the core text (but not for abbreviations), italics are used.


The acronyms are written without full points and in capital letters: AIVG (and not A.I.V.G.).

Capital letters

If applicable, initial capital letters are to be accentuated: Office des Étrangers. À Bruxelles… Some recurrent, specific cases : Première Guerre mondiale, Seconde Guerre mondiale, le roi Albert, la reine Elisabeth, le rabbin Guigui, le général Joffre, le président Bush.


: and ; are preceded by a non-breaking space.


Core text: Bodoni MT 12; footnotes: Bodoni MT 10.


Pictures should be numbered and copyright-free (alternatively, copy- or copyright should have been obtained). Pictures should be identified and sources indicated.

Thank you for your attention!

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