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In 1999, the Foundation of Contemporary Memory created the Contemporary Memory Journal, the sole scientific journal dedicated to Judaism in Belgium. Much like the French Archives juives or the Dutch Studia Rosenthaliana, the journal’s aim is to centralize research on Jewish life in Belgium.

The Jewish population of Belgium has always presented a contrasting outlook. It has been highly productive in many and varying domains, such as, e.g., economic entrepreneurship, scientific research, social action, intellectual creation, and political activism. It has known many political orientations and socio-economical situations, and has undergone the full and relentless impact of History. As a consequence, the journal also adopts an ethical and democratic perspective, whereby its subject matter’s complexity and value is treated with the necessary respect.

Conscious of the scientific necessity of different and complementary disciplinary approaches, the journal thus hosts sociological as well as cultural and historical research. Some of the topics: the different migratory movements towards or from Belgium, social aid structures, socialization processes, Jewish resistance, hidden children, testimonies, religious life, the reconstruction of Jewish life after the Second World War… The journal, which targets specialists as well as the larger public, also welcomes biographical research, source presentations and publications, methodological reflections, and occasionally also research with a non-Belgian focus.

In order to stimulate scientific dialogue and interaction, since its creation the journal has welcomed research papers in French, Dutch and English. As the history of Judaism in Belgium is on one hand highly (but not exclusively) polarized (Antwerp-Brussels), and on the other hand bears the imprint of international migratory movements, its aim is also to stimulate knowledge exchange, as well as to create networks that surpass linguistic frontiers.

Over the years the journal’s continuous presence as a tool managed by the Contemporary Memory Foundation has also nurtured a larger editorial dynamics, whereby some of the research initiated at the Foundation has also led to the publication of monographs.

The Contemporary Memory Journal is published with the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Judaism Foundation of Belgium, and Actiris (Brussels).

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