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Clio. Women, Gender, History is a biannual journal focusing on the history of women and gender. It welcomes contributions from all scholars whose research foregrounds women, or offers gendered interpretations of societies, and covers all periods of history up to the present day. Each issue is planned around a single theme and regularly features specialized case-study articles, current research, documents, primary sources, interviews, and sections dedicated to book reviews and books received. The journal is open to interdisciplinary approaches and also regularly publishes non-themed articles under Varia. The French version is online at this address >

Latest issue
42 | 2015
Age and Sex

Edited by Michel Bozon and Juliette Rennes

Sexuality is age-related, as we are reminded by legal regulations, medical categories and literary and artistic production. Through articles concerned with such topics as eroticism in Archaic Greece, the medical invention of menopause in modern times, debates in the 1970s about the sexuality of minors, and homo-eroticism in post-Maoist China, this issue demonstrates how age- and sexuality-related norms contribute differently in every historical period to the definition and re-formulation of gender norms.

Editor’s notes

Editor for the English online edition: Siân Reynolds
Clio’s book reviews [“Clio a lu”] are not translated into English. They are available in French on the website of Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire :

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