Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- abandoned infants
- abandonment
- abduction
- Abelard
- Abid Nazik
- abnormality
- abortion
- acculturation
- Achilles
- activism
- activist biography
- administration
- adolescent girl
- adoption
- adult women
- adultery
- advertising
- affective piety
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African American women
- African Americans
- age
- age gap
- age of sexual consent
- agency
- aging
- Al-Jazairi Adile
- Albania
- Aleramo Sibilla
- Alexandria
- Algeria
- Algerian war
- Algerian women
- Algerians
- alienation
- allies
- Alsace
- Amazigh (Berber)
- ambulance driver
- American Civil War
- American colonies
- Amerindians
- anal intercourse
- Anatolia
- anatomy
- ancien regime
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- ancient Greek medicine
- Ancient history
- ancient history
- ancient Judaism
- Ancient Rome
- ancient transmission of knowledge
- Andes 17th and 18th centuries
- André Schaeffner
- Anglophone Caribbean
- animal aesthetic sense
- animal models
- animal sanctuary
- animal species
- animals
- Anse-aux-Meadows
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- Anti-Atlas
- anti-colonialism
- anticommunism
- antifascism
- Antiquity
- appearances
- apprenticeship
- Arab
- Arab identity
- Arabs
- Aragon
- Arawak
- Arcadie
- Arcas
- archaeology
- archives
- Areopagus
- Argentina
- aristocracy
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- Armagh Jail
- army
- art
- art and literature in the early modern period
- art history
- Artemisia
- arthurian novel
- artisans
- artistic trades
- Aruba
- Aryanization
- Ashkenazi
- Asian Women’s Fund
- Assassin’s Creed
- assistance to mental illness
- Assyrians
- astronomy
- asylum careers
- Atalanta
- atavism
- Athens
- athletics
- Atlantic World
- audience
- Augsburg
- Austria
- autarky
- authority
- autobiography
- avatar
- Baldung
- ballerina
- ballet
- Bangladesh
- banquet
- baptismal names
- Bar Kokhba
- bar mitzva
- Barbados
- baring the body
- bastardy
- batallions of Africa
- bathing
- beach
- beauty
- beauty contests
- Belle-Époque
- belorussia
- Bengal
- Benito Jerónimo Feijoo
- Berber
- beta israel
- Bible
- biblical gloss
- bio-technical innovation
- biography
- birth control
- birth experiences
- black population
- blacksmith
- Blaise of Sebaste
- blood
- board games
- boarding schools
- body
- Boivin
- Bologna
- book of hours
- book trade
- bookstores
- bordello
- botany
- Brazil
- breast cancer
- breeches
- bricolage
- British Empire
- brothel
- brothers
- brothers and sisters
- Bruges
- Buffon
- Bulgaria
- Burgundian Low countries
- Burgundy
- burials
- Butler Samuel
- Caesarism
- café-concert
- cage
- cairo genizah
- Callisto
- calvinism
- canaries
- cancer charities
- capitalist enterprise
- card games
- care
- caregiving
- Caribbean
- Caribbean history
- caring profession
- Carmel
- Carmélites
- cat
- Catholic Reformation
- caudillo
- celibacy
- Cent nouvelles nouvelles
- Central Europe
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- chabins
- Chaco
- Champagne area
- Chané
- change
- changing surnames
- charity
- cheating
- child
- child care
- childhood
- Chile
- China
- Chiriguano
- chocolate
- choice of females
- choreographer
- Chrétien de Troyes
- Christians
- circumcision
- Cistercian nun
- cities of Northern France
- citizenship
- city
- Civil Code
- civil rights
- civil society
- class
- classical dance
- Classical Greece
- classical period
- Classics
- classification grids
- Claudius
- clausura
- cloth
- clothes
- clothing
- clothing accessories
- clothing practices
- clothing regime
- coeducation
- Cold War
- Cold War competition
- collective affects
- collective agreements
- collective identity
- Colombia
- colonial Algeria
- Colonial India
- colonial medicine
- colonial order
- colonial situation
- colonial society
- colonial troops
- colonialism
- colonization
- Comfort Women
- Comintern
- commandos
- Common Law
- communism
- comparative anthropology
- complementarity
- concubines
- confessions
- Congo
- conjugal life
- conjugal relations
- conjugal relationships
- conjugality
- consensual sex
- consent
- contemporary history
- contraception
- control of vocations
- conversion
- corporal punishment
- corporality
- corporations
- correctional education
- correspondence
- cosmetics industry
- cosmonaut
- cotton
- couple
- couple relations
- couples
- coureur de bois
- court
- courtly codes
- courtly literature
- courtly love
- courtly society
- creches
- credibility
- Crichton-Browne John
- crime
- criminal justice records
- criminality
- Crispin de Passe
- crusades
- Cuba
- Cuban Revolution
- cult of the leader
- cultural differences
- cultural history
- cultural memory
- cultural transfer
- culture
- cuneiform
- cunnilingus
- Curaçao
- cure
- da Foligno Angela
- daily violence
- dance
- dance discourse
- dance iconography
- dance masters
- danseur mondain
- Darwin
- daughter
- Dead Sea scrolls
- death
- declamation
- declaration of pregnancy
- decolonization
- deer
- Deir el-Medina
- delinquance
- democracy
- demotic literature
- Denise Paulme
- denudation
- dependence
- deportation
- descent
- desire
- developing countries
- development
- deviance
- devotion
- Dialogues of the Courtesans
- diaries
- diary
- diaspora
- dice
- dichotomies
- dictionary
- didactic literature
- Dido
- Directory
- discrimination
- disguise
- disorder
- dispossession
- divorce
- doctors
- documentaries
- domestic relations
- domestic work
- domesticity
- donations
- double-surnames
- dowry
- dress
- dress code
- Durand Marie
- Dutch Caribbean
- Dutch East Indies
- early childhood
- early detection
- Early Middle Ages
- early Middle Ages
- early modern
- early modern era
- early modern Europe
- Early Modern Venice
- early XXth century
- East Africa
- eating habits
- ecclesiastical cause
- ecclesiastical courts
- economy
- Ecuador
- education
- effeuillage
- ego-documents
- Egypt
- eighteenth century
- eighteenth century (1700-1765)
- eighteenth-century France
- elections
- Eleni Iliadis
- eligibility
- emancipation
- embodiment
- embroider
- emergency
- emotion
- emotions
- empire
- empowerment
- enamorar
- enclosure
- encyclopedism
- end of Old Regime
- end of the Middle Ages
- England
- English-language historiography
- engravings
- Enlightenment
- enslavement
- ephedrismos
- epigraphs
- epigraphy
- equality/difference
- Erasistratus
- Eros
- erotic
- eroticism
- Essenes
- eternal youth
- Ethics of care
- ethiopia
- ethnic feminism
- ethnicity
- ethnography
- Etruscan ceramics
- eucharisty
- Eugénie Cotton
- eukosmia
- Europe
- European court culture
- European migration
- European women
- evolutionary biology
- exegesis
- exile
- exoticism
- expatriation
- experience
- Extreme right
- familial conflicts
- familial honour
- familial neuroses
- familialism
- families in movies
- family
- family heritage transmission
- family relations
- family relationships
- family reunification
- family roles
- famous women
- father
- fatherhood
- fear
- Federation of Cuban Women
- feelings
- fellation
- female agency
- female aristocracy
- female body
- female brigand
- female citizen
- female desire
- female doctors
- female heroism
- female image
- female intellectuals
- female juvenile delinquance
- female slavery
- female slaves
- female workers
- feminine condition
- feminine criminality
- feminine dress
- feminine exemplarity
- feminine identities
- feminine mysticism
- feminine poets
- feminine religious congregations
- femininity
- feminism
- feminisms
- feminist art
- feminist autobiography
- feminist criticism
- feminist movement
- feminist movements
- feminist networks
- feminists
- feminity
- feminization
- fiction
- fidchell
- fieldwork
- filiation
- filiation systems
- Final Judgement
- first name
- First Wave
- First World War
- Florence
- folklorization
- foodways
- forced marriage
- fornication
- Fort-de-France
- Fountain of youth
- fourteenth-fifteenth century
- France
- France 1945-1970
- France Marie (de)
- Francesco da Barberino
- Frankish kingdom
- Frankism
- fraternity
- free persons
- free woman of color
- free women
- free women of colour
- free work
- freedom
- French Caribbean
- french literature
- French mandate in Syria
- French Red Cross
- French Soudan
- French sportswoman
- French West Indies
- friendship
- Fronde
- funerary epigrams
- funerary practices
- Galen
- gambling
- game
- gameplaying
- games
- games and toys
- garçonne
- Gardanne
- GastarbeiterInnen
- gendarmerie
- gender
- gender categories
- gender equality
- gender hierarchy
- gender history
- gender identities
- gender identity
- gender integrated prayer
- gender norms
- gender of names
- gender quota
- gender relations
- gender stereotype
- gender stereotypes
- gender studies
- gender violence
- gendered national stereotypes
- gendered representations
- genocide
- genocide of Tutsi
- Geometric period
- German Democratic Republic
- German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- German women
- Germany
- girlhood
- girls
- girls’ education
- girls’ secondary education
- given names
- global feminism
- global movement
- Global South
- globalization
- goddesses
- Gold Coast
- Golden Legend
- Gospelles of Dystaves
- Gournay Marie (de)
- Gradus Amoris
- Great Britain
- Great Migration
- Greece
- Greek
- Greek epigraphy
- Greek nationalism
- Greek vases
- Gregorian reform
- Grisilidis
- groups of women artists
- Guadeloupe
- Guarani
- guest-workers
- guilds
- Guyétant
- Habsburg Bosnia-Herzegovina
- hagiography
- hair net
- halakha
- Halicarnassus
- handloom industry
- happiness
- harem
- hasmonean
- headcoverings
- healer
- health history
- heiress status
- hell/paradise
- hellenism
- Heloise
- Hera
- Hereafter
- hermaphrodites
- Herodotus
- Herod’s Feast
- heroes
- heroic cults
- heroine
- heroines
- heroism
- heron
- Herophilus
- heterosexuality
- High Empire
- hind
- Hippocrates
- historical change
- historical revisionism (negationism)
- historiography
- history
- history of anthropology
- history of discourse
- history of fashion
- history writing
- history-writing
- holiness
- Holy kinship
- holy names
- Holy Roman Empire
- home marketing
- Homer
- homerian epics
- homoeroticism
- homosexuality
- Honegger
- honeymoon
- honorific decrees
- hospitals
- hôtel réginal
- household economy
- housewives
- housework
- human rights
- humours
- Hungary
- hybridity
- hygiene
- Hypatia
- hysterectomy
- hysteria
- Ianfu
- ianjo
- Ibarruri Dolorès
- Iceland
- iconography
- identities
- identity
- identity development
- identity labeling
- identity quest
- ideology
- idyllic novel
- illness
- illuminators
- images
- immigration
- imperial history
- impossible crime
- impotence
- inadaptation
- Independence
- independence
- India
- India-Pakistan war 1971
- indigenous peoples
- individual
- individualism
- industrial workers
- industrialization
- infant sexuality
- infanticide
- inheritance
- initiation
- integration
- integration/ autonomy
- intellectual capacity of women
- intellectual history
- intellectual sources of gender equality
- Inter-war period
- intercession
- interdisciplinarity
- internal frontiers
- internal racial frontiers
- International case work
- international cooperation
- International criminal law
- international feminism
- internationalism
- internet
- internment
- intersectionality
- interwar women’s movement
- intimate writings
- investigation
- Iran
- Ireland
- Iron Age
- Isadora Duncan
- Islam
- israel
- Israel/Palestine
- Istanbul
- Italian contemporary history
- Italian feminism
- Italian Renaissance painting
- Italiote ceramics
- Italy
- labor
- lady trobairitz
- Lalehzar
- Lampedusa
- Late Middle Ages
- late Middle Ages
- law
- League of Nations
- legacy of the Third Reich
- leisure
- lesbianism
- letter-writing
- letters
- letters of patients
- lettres de cachet
- Lévi-Strauss
- Liaison Bureau
- liberalism
- life cycle
- life writings
- life-history
- life-writing
- lingerie
- lion
- literacy
- literature
- Lithuania
- local statutes
- Lombroso
- loss in professional status
- Louis IX
- love
- love poem
- Lowe Louisa
- Lucian
- ludus latrunculorum
- lunatic women
- Lutgarde d’Aywières
- luxury
- Madagascar
- madness/mental illness
- Maghreb
- maiden
- male dress
- male image
- male menopause (andropause)
- male/female retour d’âge
- Mali
- malignant tumours
- Malinche
- Malthusianism
- mamzer
- man
- manhood
- manumission
- manuscripts
- marginality
- Marguerite of Provence
- Marguerite Thibert
- María Lejárraga
- mariage
- marital authority
- marital love
- marital power and parental authority
- marital rape
- marriage
- married name
- married woman
- Marseille
- Martinique
- martyrdom for love
- marxism
- masculine/feminine
- masculinities
- masculinity
- masculinized woman
- mastectomy
- master and disciple
- material culture
- Maternal and Child welfare
- maternal link
- maternity
- maternity hospital
- mathematics
- Matilda of Tuscany
- matriarchy
- matrilineality
- matrilinearity
- matronae
- matronage
- maturity
- Maudsley Henry
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- May 1968
- May 68
- mechanization
- mediators
- medical decisions
- medical discourse
- medical misogyny
- medical views
- medical-legal control
- medicalization
- medicine
- medieval and modern fashion
- Medieval Arabic literature
- medieval cities
- medieval history
- medieval Jewish communities
- medieval literature
- medieval society
- medieval urban households
- medieval women
- mediterrean society
- memoirs
- memory
- menopause
- mentalities
- merchants
- Merveilleuses
- Mesopotamia
- Mesopotamian laws
- Messianism
- métis ability
- métissage
- Mexico
- Middle Age
- Middle Ages
- middle class
- midwife
- midwives
- migration
- migrations
- military law
- miracle account
- miscegenation
- misogyny
- missionaries
- mixed gender religious practice
- mobility
- mobilization
- mode of action
- modern dance
- modern Greece
- modern period
- modernity
- modernization
- moïseï berlin
- monarchy
- monastic life
- Moncrif
- money
- Mongolia
- Montaigne
- moral theology
- morality
- moralization
- Morocco
- Mors immatura
- mother
- motherhood
- mourning
- movement
- movies
- mulata
- mulatto
- Murabba‘at
- music
- music-hall
- musician-poetesses
- mythology
- names
- naming
- nannies
- narrative
- narrative ambiguity
- nation
- national and international women’s migration
- National State
- nationalism
- nationality law
- Nationality of women
- natural history
- natural symbolism
- naturalism
- naturalization
- nature/culture
- naturism
- Nazi war trials
- Nazism
- neder
- negotiation
- neo-liberalism
- neo-Malthusian policies
- Neoplatonists
- Netherlands 15th-16th centuries
- network
- networks
- networks of relations
- New Kingdom
- New Netherland
- new Right
- new world history
- New Zealand
- nicholas I
- Nigeria
- nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- nineteenth century
- nineteenth-century France
- Nixon
- nobility
- non-aligned movement
- Nord
- norm
- norms
- Northern Ireland
- nose art
- Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano
- Nouvelle-France (Canada)
- novel
- novels
- Nudity
- nudity
- nudity on stage
- nun
- nuns
- Nuremberg
- nurses
- nursing
- obedience
- object play
- objects and affect
- obscenity
- obstetrics
- Occitan lyrics
- October Revolution
- Odyssey
- Old French literature
- old women
- one sex model
- online dating
- onomastics
- opera
- opium
- opium houses
- oral sources
- oral traditions
- orchestris
- ordinary writing
- ordinary writings
- orphan diseases
- orthodox feminism
- otome games
- Ottoman Empire
- Ottoman history
- Ottonians
- Ovid
- pacifism
- paedophilia
- paganism
- pain
- painted ceramic
- painting
- paintings
- pallium
- Pan-Africanism
- PAP smear
- papyrology
- parable of the ten virgins
- paradoxes
- Paris
- parties
- Partition of India
- partner dancing
- Pas-de-Calais
- Pasha Jemal
- pastoralism
- paternity suit
- patrilineal social organization
- patrilineality
- patrimony
- patriotism
- patron saints
- patronage
- pattern
- pederasty
- pedophilia
- penal sentence
- peoples
- performance
- performative theory
- perfume
- Peronism
- persecution
- personal photographs
- personal writings
- Peru
- pet
- pet animals
- petitions
- Pfeiffer Ida
- pharisaism
- Philhellenes
- philia
- philosophical tradition
- photography
- physical education
- Pieter Bruegel the elder
- pin-up
- plants
- play
- playground
- Plutarch
- Pocahontas
- poetry
- poison
- Poland 1945-1989
- police
- political
- political alliances
- political economy
- political generation
- political rights
- political sociability
- political speech
- politics
- polygamy
- Pompeii
- poor relief
- Popular Front
- popular protest
- popular songs
- population policies
- pornography
- post-communism
- post-digital
- post-Maoism
- post-Ottoman
- post-Soviet society
- Post-Tridentine Church
- postcolonial
- postcommunist political elites
- posture
- postwar gender relations
- postwar material culture
- Pourtalès
- power
- practice theory
- pre-marital sex
- pregnancy
- preschool education
- Presocratics
- press
- preventive surgery
- priestesses
- primary school teachers
- princess
- prints
- prison handkerchiefs
- prisoner of war
- private/professional life
- product
- produser
- professionalization
- Programmata
- prohibitions
- propaganda films
- prophecy
- prophetess
- prostitution
- Prostitution
- protestantism
- Provence
- proxy
- proxy agreements
- Psychiatric hospital/asylum
- psychiatry
- psychoactive substances
- psychoanalysis
- psychodynamics of work
- psychohistory
- Ptolemaic Egypt
- public health
- public policies
- public primary education
- public religion
- public space
- public/private
- public/private space
- publication of documentary sources
- Puritanism
- purity
- Pyrénées-Atlantiques (Béarn-the Ossau Valley)
- Rabbinic Judaism
- rabbis
- race
- race and gender
- race relations
- races
- racial prejudice
- racial segregation
- racism
- railway
- rape
- raptus
- rattles
- ravishment justice
- reading
- reclaimed memory
- recognition
- reeducation
- refugee
- refugees
- regulations
- religion
- religious distinction
- religious hierarchy
- religious names
- religious orders
- Renaissance
- repentance
- reporting
- representation
- representations
- representations of childhood
- representations of manhood
- repression
- reproduction
- reproductive rights
- Republican Rome
- republican women prisoners
- research
- research methodology
- resistance
- Réunion
- Reunion island
- revealing costume
- rigorism
- rites of passage
- ritual
- rituals
- rogator
- Roman Antiquity
- Roman citizenship
- Roman Judaea
- Roman law
- Roman period
- Romanian communism and postcommunism
- Romanticism
- Rome
- Rosa Bonheur
- Rouen
- rubble films
- rural China
- ruse
- Russia
- russian empire
- Rwanda
- Sabbath
- Sabbatianism
- sacred law
- sacrifice
- Sahara
- Saigon
- saint Cecilia
- Saint-Domingue
- Saint-Luc guild
- saints’ names
- Salomé dancing
- Saluces Thomas (de)
- same-sex families
- Santiago
- Santo Domingo (Española)
- saris
- scale of human life
- scandal
- scenic gesture
- scenography
- scepticism
- school
- science
- Scotland
- sea
- seal
- Second Temple
- second temple judaism
- Second World War
- secondary schools
- secularism
- secularization
- seduction
- Seine-Inférieure department
- selective breeding
- selfportrait
- Semiramis
- senet
- sense of citizenship
- sensibility (history of)
- sensitivity
- sentiments
- separation
- seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
- seventeenth to nineteenth centuries
- sew
- sex
- sex education
- sex hormones
- sex offences
- sex ratio
- sex/gender
- sexual difference
- sexual performance
- sexual revolution
- sexual selection
- sexual violence
- sexualities
- sexuality
- sexuel annexion
- shame (verecundia)
- she-bear
- Shekhinah
- shipowner
- shows
- siblings
- silence
- Silius Italicus
- Simone de Beauvoir
- Sister Françoise Vandermeersch
- Sister Jeanne d’Arc
- sisters
- situated knowledge
- skills
- slander
- slavery
- slaves
- sleepiness and wakefulness
- sociability
- sociability circles
- social construction
- social construction of gender
- social control
- social dances
- social hierarchy
- social history
- social identity
- social movements
- social norms
- social relations of the sexes
- social rights
- social science
- social sciences
- social status
- social trajectory
- social work
- social workers
- socialism
- socialization
- sociocultural model
- sociology
- sodomy
- solicitude
- solidarities
- Soranus
- southern European borders
- Soviet fashion and sport
- Soviet Union
- Spa tourism
- spaces
- Spain
- Spanish America
- Spanish Second Republic
- Spanish Women’s Union
- spiritual autobiographies
- spiritual biographies
- sport policy
- sports
- Sputnik
- St Eustatius
- St Thomas
- Stalinism
- state accumulation
- statutes
- stola
- stretcher-bearer
- strikes
- striptease
- struggles
- study abroad
- study trip
- Subaltern Studies
- subaltern workers
- success stories
- Sudan
- sultans
- sumptuary laws
- surname
- swimming
- symbolic conflicts
- symposium
- sympotic dancing
- synagogue
- Syria
- Syrian-American women
- Taglioni (Marie)
- Tamara Bunke
- Tango
- Tanzania
- tatoo
- tatoos
- taxation
- taxpayer
- teacher
- tears
- television
- television series
- temple of Jerusalem
- terrorism
- textile
- textiles
- the (socialist) backlash
- the 1970s
- the Americans
- the Netherlands
- the New Woman
- The Second Sex
- the Thaw (1956-1970)
- the Venus throw
- the woman question
- Theban region
- theory of evolution
- Thesmophoria
- Thirteen Roses
- thirteenth century
- time-budget surveys
- toga
- toga praetexta
- Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal
- tolerance
- topography of Athens
- toulouse
- Toulouse
- tourism
- toys
- trades
- tradespeople
- trafficking
- tragedy
- training
- trajectories
- transfemininity
- transfer of generative power
- transgression
- transidentity
- translation
- transmission
- transnational associations
- transnational trade
- transvestism
- transvestites
- Trasimeno
- travel
- travel for health
- travelogue
- travels and journeys
- trial
- trust
- tunic
- tunics
- Tupperware
- Turk
- turkification
- turning-point
- TV series sexuality
- twelfth-century France
- twentieth century
- tyrannicides
- wages
- wailing wall
- waitresses
- war
- weavers
- Weldon Georgina
- welfare state
- West Africa
- West Indians
- West Indies
- wet nurses
- widow
- wife
- witchcraft
- witches
- wolf
- woman
- Woman
- Women
- women
- women artists
- women as combatants
- women concentration camp guards
- women creators
- women doctors
- women letter writers
- women musicians
- women of power
- women of the Bible
- women religious
- Women soldiers
- women teachers
- women travellers
- women work
- women's magazines
- women's movement
- women-only groups
- Women’s Active Museum
- women’s activism
- women’s autonomy
- women’s bodies
- women’s citizenship
- women’s discourse
- women’s emancipation
- women’s history
- women’s intellectual authority
- Women’s international Tribunal
- women’s justice
- women’s magazines
- women’s movement
- women’s names
- women’s paid labor
- women’s political representation
- women’s power
- women’s quarrels
- women’s rights
- women’s surnames
- women’s unpublished writings
- women’s work
- work
- Work
- work codes
- work iconography
- work/family
- worker
- workers
- workers’ resistance
- working classes
- workplace
- World War I
- World War II
- World War Two
- writing
- writing practices
- written culture