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69 | 2020
Public spaces in late socialist East Asia: Interactions, performativity, citizenship

Les espaces publics en Asie orientale sous le socialisme tardif : interactions, performativité, citoyenneté
Sous la direction de Vanessa Frangville, Pierre Petit et Lisa Richaud
Couverture du vol.69
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256 pages
ISBN 978-2-9602017-4-1

Based on case studies from Vietnam, Laos and China, this special issue explores the heuristic value of public spaces for understanding everyday experiences of late socialism in East Asia. Public spaces often embody the centrality of a place and are hence ideal sites for assertive forms of claim-making ranging from major political announcements to selfies substantiating entitlement to “being there”. If the state shapes the performativity of public spaces by entailing the enactment of officially-promoted attitudes, the daily interactions and vernacular practices examined here often exceed, if not disturb, prescribed forms of late socialist citizenship. Multiple actors are now able to intervene in the production of the affectivity of public spaces, beyond the expression and performance of patriotic feelings or political loyalty.

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