Guidelines for Contributors
Haut de page1. Submission of Articles
Articles submitted for consideration should be the original work of the author(s), not already published and not currently under review by any other journal.
Articles published in CHS will appear in both print and online subscription editions (on OpenEdition Journals).
2. Open Access Policy
Crime, Histoire & Sociétés/Crime, History and Societies supports ‘green’ open access in compliance with the UK’s REF2021 requirements and the EU’s Horizon 2020 regulations. Authors are allowed to deposit the final revised and accepted version of their article in an institutional repository or other not-for-profit public archive upon publication, provided that the contents of the article are embargoed for a period of 12 months. They are not allowed to deposit or otherwise disseminate the publisher’s PDF version (including proofs), apart from the e-offprints provided to authors. After a period of 24 months, all articles are made publicly available on OpenEdition and are also archived in JSTOR.
Submitted articles are subject to anonymous peer review and hence authors should prepare and submit two separate documents:
File 1: title, abstract, name of author, institutional affiliation, contact details (postal and electronic)
File 2 (anonymised): title, abstract and article text including footnotes and bibliography.
In order to preserve anonymity, anything which might identify the author (reference to grant funding, thanks to colleagues, use of the first person in the references) should be removed from the initial submission but may be inserted again after acceptance of the article.
Texts may be submitted in English or French, and should be submitted electronically in “.doc” or “.docx” to the Editor in Chief (currently Paul Lawrence) at the following address: Peer review feedback may be supplied to authors in both English or French.
3. Length of articles
Articles should be no longer than 12,000 words (75,000 characters), including bibliography and footnotes and should conform to the guidelines below.
Formatting of articles
Articles should be submitted with as little formatting as possible, without the use of style sheets or tabulation.
They should be submitted in either Times New Roman, with font size 11 and double line spacing for the main text, with font size 10 and single line spacing for footnotes.
Articles should be paginated in the bottom centre of each page, including the first. No other headers or footers should be employed.
Quotations should be indicated by use of “ ” in English and by use of «» in French.
Authors do not need routinely to translate quotations between French and English.
If necessary, quotations containing complex or unusual terminology may be translated in a footnote.
Use of italics should be reserved for Latin, Greek and foreign words.
All abbreviations should be spelled out in full on first use.
Footnotes to indicate source references should be inserted at the bottom of each page, should be indicated in the text at the end of the relevant sentence using a superscript Arabic numeral, and should be numbered continuously throughout. The required format for references to different source types is outlined below.
Authors should not use footnotes in title or subtitle lines.
4. Referencing
All direct quotations should be referenced.
In addition, authors may also include references to sources and works not directly cited but influential in the preparation of the article, although they should do so sparingly, bearing in mind the overall word limit.
Archival primary sources should be referenced using a footnote, with full details given in footnote reference using the format below:
- Archive (in full on first citation), Classmark and Title of File (if applicable), Title of Piece (if applicable), date (where possible), as in the example below:
1 The National Archives, London (thereafter T.N.A.), HO 280/65 Memorandum about Photo-FIT, ‘Letter from New Scotland Yard to Home Office’, 23rd March 1969.
Published primary sources referred to or quoted from should be referenced using a footnote, providing name, date and page, as below. Full publication details should then be included in the bibliography at the end of the article:
EG: As Colquhoun noted at the time, policing in London was subject to considerable debate during the later eighteenth century.1
1 Colquhoun (1797, 47).
Published secondary sources quoted from or drawn upon extensively should also be referenced using a footnote, providing name, date and page, as below:
EG: Foucault has claimed that the birth of the prison can be dated to the period after 1750.1
1 Foucault (1975, 58).
Full publication details should then be included in the bibliography at the end of the article.
5. Bibliography
A complete list of references to published sources (both primary and secondary) should be placed at the end of the article. These should be ordered alphabetically via author surname, and chronologically in the case of more than one work by a given author.
In the case of multiple works by a given author with the same year of publication, add a, b, c etc. after the year of publication in both in-text references and bibliography (Foucault, 1971a).
Names of institutions and book/article titles should appear in their original language (although may be translated in parentheses afterwards if the author wishes). Works should be presented in the bibliography as in the examples below.
Published Book: Surname, Initial(s), date of publication, title in italics, place of publication, publisher.
Melossi D., 2015, Crime, Punishment and Migration, London, Sage.
Foucault M., 1975, Surveiller et punir. Naissance de la prison, Paris, Gallimard.
Edited Collection: as above for published book, but with the editor/editors names followed by (dir.) in French and (Ed.) or (Eds.) in English
Chauvaud F. (dir.), 2009, Corps saccagés. Une histoire des violences corporelles du siècle des Lumières à nos jours, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Kneppe P. (Ed.), 2016, Writing the History of Crime, London, Bloomsbury.
Chapter in Edited Collection: surname, initial(s), date of publication, title of chapter, followed by in then reference to the edited collection, page rage
Castan Y., 1984, Exil ou prison en Languedoc au XVIIIe siècle, in Petit J.G. (dir.), La prison, le bagne et l’histoire, Genève, Médecine et Hygiène, 57-66.
Wouters N., 2013, Transitional Justice and Memory Development in Europe, in Wouters N. (Ed.) Transitional justice and memory in Europe (1945-2013), Cambridge, Intersentia Publishing, 369-411.
Journal article: surname, initial(s), date of publication, title of article, title of journal in italics, volume, number, page range.
Emsley C., 2014, Policing the empire/Policing the metropole: Some thoughts on models and types, Crime, History and Societies, 18, 2, 5-25.
Juston R., 2017, Les médecins légistes en France : un groupe professionnel segmenté entre expertise judiciaire et spécialité médicale, Déviance et Société, 41, 3, 387-413.
Online publication: presentation the same as a printed publication but include [online] web address (date of consultation)
Blanchard V., 2018, Qui sont les filles violentes dans le Paris des Trente Glorieuses ?, Champ pénal/Penal field, VIII, [en ligne] (25 juillet 2018).
Internet Database or Resource
Where a source from the internet accurately reproduces an original archival or printed work, cite the original source, not the copy.
Cite other internet sources such as websites by using a stable URL in pointed brackets (< >), with the date at which the resource was created (not accessed) where appropriate.
6. Tables and Illustrations
Illustrations and tables should be continuously numbered by type in the text: for illustrations use arabic numerals (Figure 1; Graph 1; Map 1; Flow Chart 1), for tables use roman numerals (Table I).
Captions should include a title, a source and, if required, acknowledgement and copyright details. No previously published elements will be accepted without written from the editor and the authors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain necessary permissions and copyright for the inclusion of third party materials.
Tables, Charts and Figures should be readable in Black and White.
Illustrations should be supplied as separate documents in high definition, with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi for monochrome and 300 dpi if colour, in the following formats: JPEF, TIFF, EPS or PDF.
7. Proofs
Final versions of manuscripts sent to the Editor and submitted into the production process are considered definitive and many not be substantially revised.
First stage proofs are sent to the author for checking and to enable typographical and formatting corrections. They should be returned within one week.
Second stage (final) proofs are normally dealt with by Editor but authors can review these by arrangement in advance.
Authors receive a free print copy of the issue in which their article appears, and have the facility to download PDF copies of the final version of their article for free.