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The Dao of Happiness in Contemporary China: On the Encompassing Meanings and Affects of “Xingfu

Gil Hizi
p. 81-90


The notion of happiness has been extended in recent decades from a quality of well-being to a value-laden concept employed in political campaigns, development plans, commercial advertising, and transnational psychology. In China, the term xingfu has extended through this tendency, articulated as an equivalent of deep-seated individualised “happiness,” while also carrying elements of livelihood and social welfare. Drawing on fieldwork in psychological workshops and diverse academic and political texts, this article conceptualises the semiotic and communicative attributes of xingfu in Chinese society today. I define xingfu as a contemporary dao, in the sense that it emerges as a consensual priority that alludes to seeming universal humanity, which may be employed to validate other political agendas, while it also activates diverse interactions and imaginaries that extend beyond preexisting or fixed priorities.

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Editor’s notes

Manuscript received on 1 May 2024. Accepted on 11 November 2024.


Full text document will be published online on December 2025.


Happiness and xingfu in China, past to present
Xingfu and psychology in China
Theorising expressions of xingfu
Xingfu and the Chinese search for meaning
Xingfu and national projects

First lines


After an exercise of self-expression in pairs, instructor Jiang, a 55-year-old psychologist, clarified its purpose. The participants had to repeatedly ask each other “Who are you?” and then respond by acknowledging and peeling off “superficial” labels such as employment, family status, hometown, and age, until they would recognise their supposed profound immaterial and subjective dimension. This was a Saturday workshop in the city of Jinan at a psychological centre for counsellors and aficionados, many of whom were versed in such drills. Jiang stated that only by addressing their capacities and desires beyond social roles and obligations would the participants find the path to happiness (xingfu 幸福). This message resonated with the participants, as they elaborated in the subsequent class discussion. It was commonsensical for participants that xingfu – the common term for deep and enduring happiness – is the framework for self-perception and evaluation; at the same time, t...

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Bibliographical reference

Gil Hizi, The Dao of Happiness in Contemporary China: On the Encompassing Meanings and Affects of “XingfuChina Perspectives, 139 | 2024, 81-90.

Electronic reference

Gil Hizi, The Dao of Happiness in Contemporary China: On the Encompassing Meanings and Affects of “XingfuChina Perspectives [Online], 139 | 2024, Online since 01 December 2025, connection on 12 February 2025. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Gil Hizi

Gil Hizi is Research Fellow at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Room IG 0552, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany (

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