138 | 2024
Between Governance and the Governed: Navigating China’s Borderlands in a Challenging Era
Special Feature
Playing with Fire: How Engagement with Illicit Economies Shapes the Survival and Resilience of Ethnic Armed Organisations in the China-Myanmar Borderlands [Full text will be published on September 2025]
Translocating Trajectories, Transnational Mobilities: The Cross-border Migration and Livelihoods of Hmong in the Tri-state Area Between China, Vietnam, and Laos [Full text will be published on September 2025]
Border as Dispositif: Sovereignty, Discipline, and Governmentality at the China-Kazakhstan Border [Full text will be published on September 2025]
Regulating Urban Companion Dogs in China During Covid-19: When Pandemic Meets Panic [Full text will be published on September 2025]
Judicial Responses to Politically Sensitive Cases in an Authoritarian Setting: The Case of Hong Kong [Full text will be published on September 2025]
Exploring the Cross-cultural Journey of Tibetan Medicine in Modern China: A Case Study in Rebgong [Full text will be published on September 2025]
The Paradox of Exchange: Institutional Asymmetry and the Limitations of Religious United Front Work across the Taiwan Strait [Full text will be published on September 2025]
Book reviews