Index | Keywords
- abstraction
- Aby Warburg
- active learning methodologies
- aeronautical industry
- Aesopian language
- aesthetic seizure
- affects
- African tale
- Afro-Colombian literature
- Afro-diasporic memory
- Afro-feminist poetry
- after 1989
- after-war theatre
- agalma
- age
- ages
- alliances
- amateur theatre puppets
- ambiguity
- American policy
- amnesia
- anachronisms
- anagnorisis
- ancient bulgarian
- Andes
- Angélica Liddell
- animation
- anthropological optimism
- anticommunist literature
- antimonarhism
- Antonia Bueno
- Antonio Lozano
- apocalypse
- archaism
- archive
- Argentinian dictatorship
- armed conflict
- Armistice of Compiègne
- art
- art in France
- art writings
- Artelier D
- artistic creation and truth
- artistic play and toys
- artist’s writings
- arts research
- aspect
- associations
- audio-visual reception
- authenticity
- autobiography
- autofiction
- aviation
- B-learning
- balanced modernism
- Baroque
- Benjamin Fondane
- Bergson
- Bessarabia
- Bessarabian writers
- bilingualism
- book
- border
- border theater
- borders
- Borges
- Borges (Jorge Luis)
- Brancusi
- Brancusi and Dada
- Bruno Matei
- bulgarian
- bulgarian emigration
- bulgarian intellectual
- Bulgarian political emigration in France
- Bulgarian rhomes (rroms)
- Bulgarian slang
- Bulgarian-Romanian relations
- bulgarian literature
- byzantine treachery
- calendrier
- camp
- Canarian linguistic modality
- Canary Islands
- Canary-America Relations
- carceral literature
- Castellucci
- categorial organisation
- celebration
- censorship
- centennial
- central American migrants
- central area of Bucharest
- Central Europe
- Cerda (Dahlia de la)
- Cernauti
- changed conception of the Constitution
- child
- children
- Chile
- Chilean theatre
- Christian time
- christianism
- chroniclers
- cinema
- cinematographic arts
- circulation of knowledge
- city
- civilians
- Clemenceau
- clock
- collapse of the Soviet Union
- collective security
- Colombia
- Colombian literature
- Colombian poetry
- colonial history
- colonial pattern
- comic of moldavian language
- commemorative ceremonies
- commitment
- common heritage
- communications
- communist historiography
- communist ideology
- COMPA-Trono
- Conquest
- conservatism
- Constantin Brancusi
- Constantin Prezan
- consular translation
- consuls
- contemporary art
- contemporary Spanish theatre
- contemporary theater
- contemporary theatre
- continuity
- country play
- creation
- Cuba
- Cuban War of Independence
- cultural approach
- cultural competence
- cultural difference
- cultural elites
- cultural fertility
- cultural influence
- cultural policy
- cultural transfer
- cyber-performance
- Eastern Europe
- ecocriticism
- economic migration in Spain
- economic relations
- economics
- education
- effect of life
- efficiency of art work
- egg-shaped forms
- ekphrasis
- El Alto
- El Porvenir de Canarias (1852-1853)
- émancipation
- emancipation
- emigrant
- emigration
- esperpento
- essay film
- essay of Kleist
- esthetics
- Estrada (Luis)
- ethnonym
- Europe
- eversion
- exception
- exile
- existence philosophy
- existential reflexion
- experimentation
- exploration journals
- Ezra Pound
- fantastic
- farmer
- federalism
- feeling of alienation
- femicide
- feminism
- Ferdinand and Mary of Romania
- fiction
- film production
- final effect
- first play
- first theatre
- First World War
- fixity
- Flipped Classroom
- folk tale
- foreign language
- fractal poetry
- France
- France-Romania partnership
- Franco-Romanian academic cooperation
- Franco-Romanian partnerships
- free Greece
- freedom
- freemasonry
- french and romanian poetry
- french model in Moldavia
- game
- generation conflict
- generation 80
- genocidal famine 1947-1948
- geo-prosody
- geocriticism
- geometric writings
- geostrategy
- German scientists
- German studies on Romania
- germanism
- germano-romanian literature
- gerontocracy
- gipsy language
- glass arts
- Global History
- globality
- Goulag
- graduality
- grammar
- graphic literature
- Great Union
- Greater Romania
- Groult
- gypsies
- Gypsies
- gypsy
- haunting decade
- health
- Henri Mathias Berthelot
- Herta
- hispanidad
- historic press
- historical account
- historical novel
- historiography
- history
- History
- history of Colombia
- history of ideas
- history of Romania 20th century
- holograph texts
- Honduran narrative
- Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu
- Hungarians
- Hungary
- hygiene
- hypermedia resources
- Iasi
- Iberoamerican tale
- identities
- identity
- identity (mutilated)
- ideology
- imaginary
- imaginary halo (Bachelard)
- immaterial
- immigration
- immortality
- impeded memory
- increation
- indigenous
- information and communication technology (ICT) in education
- institutions
- intellectual elites
- intentionality
- intercultural development
- intermediality
- international information
- international relations
- intersectionality
- intertextuality
- interwar period
- interwar university relationships
- intonation
- Ion C. Brătianu
- Ion I.C. Brătianu
- Iorga
- isotopy
- Italian Theatre
- Italie
- Italy
- Iwasaki (Fernando)
- La Palma
- lack of deference
- language
- lapses
- Latin America
- Latin American
- Latin American theatre
- latinity
- lautari
- La pirámide cuarteada
- learner autonomy
- legacy
- Lenca people
- Les Vaisseaux du cœur
- lexical play
- liberation
- library
- linguistic education policies
- linguistic minorities
- linguistic policies
- linguistic situation
- linguistic variation
- linguistic variation of Spanish
- linguistic relationship
- literary canon
- literary comparatism
- literary criticism
- literary geographies
- literary prize in Moldavia
- literary reception
- literary space
- literary theory
- literary translation
- literature
- literature in the Spanish as a Foreign Language class
- literature teaching
- living memory
- local revues
- Löwendal
- Lucia Calomeri
- Magdalena River
- manuscripts unpublished in French or Romanian
- Mara Salvatrucha
- Marco Martinelli
- Margareta Niculescu
- marionette translater
- marionnette theatre in Romania
- marriage
- masculinities
- maternity
- memory
- memory.
- Mexican cinema
- Mexican literature
- mexican litterature
- Mexican history
- Mexico
- Migrant women
- migrants
- migration
- migrations
- Miklós Horthy
- Military geography
- military history
- military operation
- millisecond
- Mina Loy
- minor symbolism
- minorities
- mirror
- modern
- modernism
- modernity
- moldavian post-modernism
- moldavity of a big town
- moldovian classical writers
- monarchy
- Moresco
- Moroccan immigrants
- mother tongue
- motivation
- mythology
- Najat el Hachmi
- narco
- narrative time
- narrativity
- nation bulding
- national culture
- national ideal
- national information
- national symbol
- national-communism
- nationalism
- Negruzzi translator
- neighbourhood
- neologisms
- networks
- new
- new formulas
- New World
- Nicaragua
- nineteenth century
- Nobel prize
- nomadisms
- nominal opposition
- novel
- novelist’s stereotypes
- painters
- paradigms
- Paris Peace Conference 1919
- Paris peace negotiations of 1919
- Patricio Estévanez
- Paul Goma
- Peace Conference of 1919
- peace treaties
- pedagogy
- perception
- perceptive phonetics
- performance
- performativity
- periodisation
- Peruvian history
- Philippines
- physical games
- plastic arts
- poetic sacrifice
- poetic violence
- poetics of landscape
- poetry
- poetry and art
- poetry and photograph
- poetry and sculpture
- political fictions
- political independence
- political literature
- political theater
- Pomelo
- popular theater
- post-war
- postcolonial
- postcolonial literature in Portuguese
- postcolonialism
- postmodern narrative
- postpoetry
- pre-war theatre
- prediction
- press campaign
- preterite
- price Gusa
- princess Lia
- prison
- privatization of theatre
- propaganda
- proper name
- prosodic transparency
- prostitution
- protocol
- proverb
- puppeteer Nikos Akiloglou
- racialized identity
- racism
- Radu R. Rosetti
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Ranetti
- rapture
- rationality
- realism
- rebellion
- refugees
- religious celebrations
- religious trial
- renovated lyricism
- representation
- Representation of power by female sovereigns
- republic
- retroaction
- revelation
- revolution
- ritual
- Romance inter-comprehension
- Romance languages
- romani language
- Romania
- Romanian administration
- romanian anthropology
- Romanian Bessarabia
- romanian classical music
- Romanian Constitution of 1923
- Romanian criticism
- Romanian feminist women
- Romanian fund
- romanian intellectual
- Romanian language
- Romanian literature of the seveties
- Romanian military cemetery
- Romanian monarchy
- Romanian music
- Romanian poetry
- Romanian political régimes
- Romanian political scene
- Romanian political thought
- romanian languages
- romanticism
- Roms
- Roncagliolo
- Roumanie
- rromani language
- Rromani literature
- rumanian pieces
- Rumanian popular theatre
- rupture of transmission
- rural Spanish
- russification
- Sabino Berthelot
- sacred
- sacred time
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- satire
- Saveikov square
- schizophrenia
- scientific journals
- sculpture
- sculpture and poetry
- Second World War
- secrecy
- self-centered networks
- self-determination
- short stories
- simultaneity
- sociability
- social networks
- socialite society
- Societas Raffaello Sanzio
- sociolects
- soul
- Soultzmatt
- South-East Europe
- soviet occupation
- Soviet Union
- soviet domination
- spaces
- Spain
- Spanish
- Spanish empire
- Spanish novel
- Spanish theatre
- Special Period
- spectacle
- spectral studies
- spiritualist phenomenology
- spoken style
- sport sociology
- spring 2018
- states of enlarged consciousness
- Stelian Stancu
- stereotypes
- story
- supernatural
- survival
- symbiosis
- Tăndărică
- task-based approach
- tattoos
- Teatro delle Albe
- temporality
- temps
- tense
- territory
- testimony
- the Great War
- the implications of memory
- The Inquiry
- the Other
- the real
- the time
- theater
- theater Gulliver
- theatral studies
- theatre
- theatricality
- Théodore Cazaban
- theory
- threats of modernization
- time
- time perception
- Tlatelolco
- totalitarism
- tradition
- transculturation
- translation
- translation into Spanish
- translation romanian-french
- transnationality
- Transnistria
- Transylvania
- trauma
- travel to the Canary Islands
- treaties
- Treaty of Craiova 1940
- Trelles Paz
- types of events