Assainissement urbain et vie politique à Limoges, 1849-1914
We usually have a rather gloomy image of Limoges, but it is a city which is fully concerned by the new interest nineteenth century people take in hygiene. In the second half of the century, improvement of environmental conditions becomes a political issue. It gives rise to confrontations and debates between citizens and their electoral representatives, as well as between the council majority and its opposition. Municipal socialism plays its game well ; indeed, it launches a daring urban renovation, which is looked on as the “ haussmannisation ” of the Limousin capital. However, the various city councils all fail to answer the question of the cleanliness of public space and to teach self-discipline to the inhabitants. Indeed, at the turn of the century, the city remains a pathogenic environment and the various members of the community share the responsibility for this situation. Even if hygiene is a central issue in electoral campaigns, the absence of major restrictions on urbanization together with the city’s lack of sufficient financial resources do not allow for a real concerted hygiene policy for urban space.
Electronic reference
Stéphane Frioux, “Assainissement urbain et vie politique à Limoges, 1849-1914”, Cahiers d'histoire [Online], 47-1 | 2002, Online since 13 May 2009, connection on 08 February 2025. URL:; DOI:
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