Walingera (Old Woman)
Full text
This country is nothing
Without you
This country is all
Because of you
You are
The fire that has given me warmth
You are
The home that I have for so long, longed
You are
Place where I belong
I belong Walingera
Because of you
You have shown me
That country is buried in our chest
That country
Is lived not bequest
You have shown us
That love and laughter is soil
You have given us
So much so freely
There is no homecoming
Without you
Home is not a distant
Land from which our grandfather walked
I know now
That home is you
Home is the love where I rest
This home is surest
With you Walingera
With you
I have never been displaced
Nor destitute
Nor possessed
I am home
Because of you
I am here
Because of you
Electronic reference
Romaine Moreton, “Walingera (Old Woman)”, Commonwealth Essays and Studies [Online], 44.2 | 2022, Online since 25 February 2022, connection on 14 January 2025. URL: http://0-journals-openedition-org.catalogue.libraries.london.ac.uk/ces/11123; DOI: https://0-doi-org.catalogue.libraries.london.ac.uk/10.4000/ces.11123
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