Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palavras chaves
- a enunciação poética e seus contextos. O poema internaliza
- abolition and post-abolition
- abolition of slavery
- abolitionism
- academicism
- Academy of Fine Arts
- access to justice
- acionando variações e modulações entre diferentes contextos e temporalidades
- adaptation
- adornments
- aesthetics
- affectivity
- affects
- Africa
- African courts
- African diaspora
- African women
- African-Americans
- Africans
- afro-brazilian art
- Afro-Brazilian memory
- afro-brazilian religions
- Afro-Brazilians
- age of revolutions
- Agnaldo Manoel dos Santos
- agreste of Pernambuco
- agribusiness
- agricultural frontier
- agriculture
- Alain Touraine
- alcoholic beverages
- Aldo Palazzeschi
- alimony
- alternative justice
- Amapá
- Amazon
- Amazônia
- Amazonia
- America
- americanism
- amerindian cosmologies
- Amerindian ethnology
- amerindian origins prehistory
- Amerindians
- amnesty
- Amnesty Commission
- Ana Cristina Cesar
- analytical models
- anamorphosis
- ancestral pride
- ancestry
- Angola
- animal history
- anthropological theory
- anthropology
- anthropophagy
- anti-communism
- anticommunism
- Antonio Henrique Amaral
- appropriation
- arbítrios
- archaeology
- Argentina
- armed forces
- Armed Forces
- arqueobotany
- art and politics
- art and society
- art criticism
- art history
- artisanal fisheries
- artistic system
- artists in the United States
- Asunción Paraguay
- atlantic history
- Augusto de Campos
- Augusto dos Anjos
- authoritarianism
- authorship
- autobiography
- autoconstruction
- backlands
- Bahia
- banishment
- beef cattle
- Benguela
- Benjamin Péret
- biofuels
- biography
- black bloc
- black identity
- black singers
- blacks
- block in the power
- body
- bolsonarism
- Bolsonaro
- books
- borders
- Boris Schnaiderman
- bourgeois domestic life
- brain circulation
- brain drain
- Brasil
- Brasília
- Brazil
- Brazil Human Rights
- Brazil Northeast
- Brazilian Academy of Letters
- Brazilian Amazon
- brazilian anthropology
- Brazilian anthropology
- Brazilian archaeology
- Brazilian art
- Brazilian classification of professions (CBP)
- Brazilian crises and coups
- Brazilian cuisine
- brazilian economy
- Brazilian Empire
- Brazilian equestrian cultures
- Brazilian fiction
- brazilian folk art
- Brazilian historiography
- Brazilian homosexual movement
- brazilian landscaping
- Brazilian left
- Brazilian Literature
- brazilian metropolises
- Brazilian modern art
- brazilian modernism
- brazilian modernist painting
- Brazilian National Institute for Heritage (Iphan)
- Brazilian new objectivity
- Brazilian Northeast
- brazilian novel
- Brazilian poetry
- brazilian poetry
- brazilian political system
- Brazilian religion
- brazilian republic
- Brazilian social and political thought
- Brazilian Society of Theater Authors
- Brazilian sociology
- Brazilian Supreme Court
- brazilian theater
- Brazil’s independence
- Brésil
- Brutalism
- brutalism
- budget
- building site
- Burle Marx
- Cais do Valongo
- Calon
- Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon
- canon
- capoeira
- care network
- Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Carlos Guilherme Mota
- carnival
- Carolina de Jesus
- Casa do Pontal Museum
- cascateiros
- catechism books
- catholic Church
- catholicism
- Ceará
- celebrity
- censorship
- census
- census of favelas
- Center of Tapioqueiras
- Central Africa
- Cerrado
- certification
- chef
- child custody
- children
- Chile
- choix vestimentaires
- Christian Prigent
- chronology
- circulation of information
- cities
- citizenship
- city
- city of Fortaleza
- city-camps
- civic world
- civil engagements
- civil organizations
- civil society organizations
- civilian-military relations
- civility
- Clara Weiss
- Clarice Lispector
- class
- class contempt
- class relations
- Claude Lévi-Strauss
- clients
- climate
- coalition presidentialism
- coastal groups
- coffee
- collaborative research
- collections
- collective bargaining
- collective human rights
- collective labor agreement
- Colonial Brazil
- colonial Brazil
- coloniality
- colonization
- Comando Vermelho (CV)
- common
- communism
- community radios
- company
- comparison
- comparison by contrast
- Conceição Evaristo
- conceptions of equality
- condition analogous to slavery
- confectionery
- conflict mediation
- consensus decision-making
- consented modernity
- conservatism
- conspiracy theories
- construction companies
- consumption
- contemporary art
- contemporary fiction
- contemporary migrations
- contemporary poetry
- contemporary poetry of Brazil
- conversions
- conviviality
- corporal hexis
- corporate power
- correspondence
- corruption
- coup
- Cracolândia
- crime
- crime of enslavement
- criminal investigation
- criminal justice
- criminal materiality
- criminality
- criminalization of social movements
- crisis of democracy
- Cromañon nightclub
- cultural canonization
- cultural circulation
- cultural diversity
- cultural domains
- cultural economy
- cultural identities
- cultural legitimacy
- cultural niche construction
- cultural production
- cultural transfer
- culture
- curing
- Czech national revival
- death
- Debates
- debt
- decoration
- degeneration
- degrading working conditions
- democracy
- democracy crisis
- democratic conservatism
- democratic transition
- demographic growth
- demography
- Department of Popular Housing (DHP)
- deregulation
- destruction
- devastation
- dialogue
- diáspora
- dictatorship
- difference
- difference and inequality
- differentiated treatment
- difficult heritage
- dignified moral substance
- Dilma Rousseff government
- Dina Dreyfus Lévi-Strauss
- direct democracy
- discourse
- discrimination
- discursive formations
- disfigurement
- disputatio mindset
- distinctions de classe
- distinctive practices
- divorce
- documentary evidence
- domestic employees
- domestic seeds
- domestic violence
- domestic violence law
- domestication
- domination
- donation
- drought
- drug dealers
- drugs
- early 20th century
- ecleticism
- economic crisis
- economic ethics
- economic management
- edition
- Eduardo Villas Bôas
- education
- elections
- elite
- elites
- emancipation
- embodiment
- emigration
- Empire
- employers
- employment agencies
- employment policy
- energy policy
- engaged research methodology
- England
- engraving
- enslaved seamen
- enslavement
- entrepreneurship
- environment
- environment and ruralities
- environmental conflicts
- environmental governance
- environmental history
- environmental licensing
- epidemics
- erotic literature
- Espírito Santo
- essayism
- essentialization
- Estado Novo
- eternal feminine
- ethanol
- ethnic identity
- ethnic tourism
- ethnicity
- ethno-poetry
- ethnogenesis
- ethnographic collection
- ethnographic collections
- ethnographic research
- ethnography
- ethnohistory
- ethnology
- étourdit
- eugenics
- eugenics contest
- Europe
- European Socioeconomic Groups (ESeG)
- everyday experience
- exception
- exclusion
- executive power
- exhausting work days
- exhibits
- exile
- expansion of coffee production
- experimental museology
- experimentation
- exploitation
- extraterritoriality
- fall of France
- family
- family conflicts
- family farming
- family jewelry
- far right
- favela
- favelas
- federal justice
- Federal Small-Claims Courts
- Félix Taunay
- female bodies
- feminicide
- femininity
- feminist movement
- Fernand Braudel
- Ferreira Gullar
- fieldwork
- First Republic
- Flacso
- Flamengo Park
- folk art
- food
- food habits
- food sovereignty
- food trucks
- forensic medicine
- forest code
- forms of knowledge
- fortune telling
- fractions of the upper classes
- France
- France-Brazil relations
- free conviction of the judge
- freedom
- freedpeople
- freedpersons
- french artistic mission
- French artists
- french capuchins
- French Guyana
- French mission
- French scientific missions
- Fundação CASA
- funerary practices
- games of social positioning
- garbage
- gardens
- garment industry
- gastronomic engagement
- gastronomisation
- gastronomy
- gender
- gender inequality
- gender relations
- gender violence
- general language
- genetic sovereignty
- genetics
- genre of the novel
- geography
- George Bataille
- german migration to Brazil
- gesture
- Gilberto Freyre
- Gilda de Mello e Souza
- global chains of value
- global South
- globalization
- good living
- gourmet
- government
- governmentality
- Graça Aranha
- grammar books
- Great-Britain
- greenhouse gas emissions
- groom riders
- Guarani
- Gülen movement
- Gypsies
- habitus
- haiku and poshaiku
- Halal chicken
- Halal meat
- Hamilton Mourão
- Handelmann
- handicrafts
- Haroldo de Campos
- hazing
- health
- hegemonic masculinity
- heritage
- heterocronias
- heterodoxy
- heterotopias
- high-skilled migration
- higher education
- Hiroshi Saito (1919-1983)
- historical documentary
- historiography
- history
- history of Brazil
- history of drinks
- history of food
- history of hierarchy
- history of ideas
- history of privacy
- history of Republican Brazil
- history of slavery
- history of statistics
- history of travel
- Hizmet movement
- homosexuality
- horizontality
- house
- houses
- housing finance
- housing policy
- human dignity
- human rights
- human rights violations
- human-animal studies
- Hygiene Institute of São Paulo
- Ibirapuera Park
- identity
- identity dynamics
- identity politics
- illegality
- images
- imaginary
- immigrants
- immigration
- impeachment
- imperial Brazil
- Imperial Brazil
- independence centennial of Brazil
- Independence of Brazil
- Indian Protection Service
- indian rights
- indian slavery
- indians
- indigenous anthropologies
- indigenous education
- indigenous people
- indigenous peoples
- indigenous people’s culture
- indigenous populations
- indigenous rights
- indigenous visibility
- inequalities
- inequality
- Inimigo Rumor
- inquisitorial
- inquisitoriality
- inquisitorship
- institutional vulnerability
- institutionalization of feminist movements
- institutions
- integrism
- intellectual domain
- intellectual field
- intellectuals
- Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)
- intensifica e mobiliza a percepção de perda de lastro discursivo e a multiplicidade de tempos no tempo
- Inter-American Justice System
- interculturality
- internal slave trade
- International Committee of Social Sciences for Chile
- international cooperation
- International Labour Organization
- International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO)
- internationalization
- intersectionality
- intolerance
- investments
- invisibility
- Islam
- Italian immigration
- Italy
- itinerant maroon
- itinerant trade
- labor
- labour law
- labour market
- labour reform
- labourers
- laicité
- Landless
- landscape heritage
- landscape painting
- Lasar Segall
- late modernism
- law
- Law of the free womb
- laws
- leaderlessness
- leadership
- legacy and heritage
- legal practices
- legal procedures
- legal traditions
- legislation and power
- legislative power
- lesbians
- LGBT movement
- library
- Lima Barreto
- Lina Bo Bardi
- língua geral
- Lionello Venturi
- literary anthroponym
- literary criticism
- literary histories
- literary translation
- literature
- literature studies
- lithic industry
- living standard research
- localism
- low income
- Lucien Febvre
- Lula
- Lula government
- Lula governments
- Lula da Silva (Luiz Inácio)
- lyricism
- Machado de Assis
- male-female inequality
- male-female ratio
- Manuel de Araújo Porto-Alegre (1806-1879)
- manumission
- mapping
- Maranhão
- marginalized populations
- Maria da Penha Law
- Mário de Andrade
- market of symbolic goods
- marriage
- marriage market
- Mbundu
- meaning
- media
- mediation
- medical discourse
- medical statistics
- mediumistic religions
- megafauna
- Memorial 1-A Ycua Bolanos
- memorials
- memory
- memory of the dictatorship
- memory policies
- Mendes da Rocha
- metalworkers
- metaphor
- Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
- Michel Foucault
- microhistory
- middle classes with access to higher education
- migration
- migration patterns
- Migrations
- militarization
- military dictatorship
- military regime
- Milton Hatoum
- Minas
- Minas Gerais
- Minha Casa Minha Vida program
- mining
- miscegenation
- missionaries
- mode
- modern art
- modern slavery
- modernism
- MoMA
- monsters
- montage
- moral order
- moral panic
- morality
- morphology
- mosque
- mucanos courts
- multiculturalism
- muse
- musealization
- Museu das Remoções
- Museu Nacional
- Museu Paulista
- museum
- Muslims
- muslims
- Muslims communities in Brazil
- Muslims identities
- mythology
- narrative
- nation
- nation-state
- national census
- National Day of the Gypsy
- national formation
- National Historical Museum
- National Museum
- nationalism
- Native peoples right’s in Brazil
- natural history
- natural history museums
- naturalism
- nature
- nature commodification
- Nazism
- negritude
- neighborhood
- neo-Pentecostalism
- neoclassicism
- neoliberal
- neoliberalization
- neolithization
- netnography
- networks of relationships
- new equine economy
- new right
- new west of São Paulo
- nheengatu
- Nicolas-Antoine Taunay
- nineteenth century
- Non-Partisan School Program
- northeastern cantoria
- Nouvelle Cuisine
- Nuno Ramos e outros.
- nurture
- nutrition
- padroado
- paid domestic work
- palazzeschian futurism
- Paraguay
- parliamentary coup
- participatory museology
- particular administration
- parties
- past
- patriotism
- patterns of development
- Paul Bocuse
- Paulo Henriques Britto
- Paulo Leminski
- Pavel Schostakovsky
- pawning
- paysager gardens
- pedagogy
- Pedro Ernesto
- pemedebismo
- Pentecostalism
- pentecostalism
- People’s Fisheries Court
- peripheries
- perspectives from below
- petite bourgeoisie
- Petrobras
- philanthropy
- philosophy
- photography
- physical education
- picturesque
- Pierre Monbeig
- Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
- place
- plagiarist
- playwright
- Pleistocene
- Pleistocene-Holocene transition
- poetry
- police
- policies of the State and civil society
- policy
- political activism
- political anthropology
- political ceremonies
- political conflict
- Political Crisis
- political culture
- political domains
- political engagement
- political history
- political languages
- political participation
- political police
- political repression
- political violence
- politics
- politics of diversity
- politics of recognition
- pollen
- popular
- popular art
- popular district
- popular traditional cooking
- population census
- pornography
- portraiture
- ports
- Portugal
- Portuguese America
- portuguese America
- portuguese empire
- Portuguese Empire
- Portuguese empire
- portuguese imperial formation
- Portuguese monarchy
- possession cults
- post-2013 street demonstrations
- post-abolition
- post-mortem inventories
- Post-Restoration
- pottery
- poverty
- pre-colonial Brazilian fisher-gatherers
- pre-modernist poetics
- precariat
- preferences
- preparation of tapioca
- press
- Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC)
- primitivism
- principle of plurality
- prison
- products of origin
- professional playwrights
- Propaganda Fide
- property market
- prosopography
- protests
- public assistance
- public policies
- public services
- public statistics
- public-private
- puerperium
- race
- race relations
- race-color
- racial formation
- racial fraternity
- racial issue
- racial politics
- racial quotas
- racial-ethnic categories
- racialization
- racism
- reader
- Recife
- recognition
- reconciliation
- reflexive ethnography
- reflexivity
- refugees
- regimes of visibility
- regional cuisine
- regional sentiment
- regionalism
- relation
- relations between Brazil and United States of America
- religion
- religiosity
- religious dissemination
- religious support
- religious syncretism
- representativeness
- reproductive labor
- republic
- researcher-field interaction
- reshuffling
- resistance
- resistance art
- restorative justice
- Retirement and Pensions Institutes (IAP)
- revenge
- Revista do Brasil
- right of control over natural resources
- right wing
- right-wing
- right-wing turn
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rio de Janeiro School of Medicine
- Rio de Janeiro; Brazil
- Rio Grande do Sul
- Rio’s favelas
- ritual
- rituals
- rocailleurs
- Romani
- romantic garden
- romantic love
- rotten word
- Rousseff (Dilma)
- Rubens Figueiredo
- Rui Barbosa
- rule of law
- runaway slaves
- rural
- rural areas
- rural retirement pensions
- rural violence
- Russian literature
- Salvador de Bahia
- samba schools
- Santos
- São Luís
- São Paulo
- scattered territorialities
- schism
- schism regime
- school education
- schooling supply
- schools
- scientific collections
- scientific denialism
- sculptor
- Second World War
- sedentary lifestyle
- segregation
- self-confidence
- selling taboo
- semi-arid region
- Senegalese
- sense
- sensitive past
- Sérgio Buarque de Holanda
- Sérgio Etchegoyen
- sertão of Minas Gerais
- settlement geography
- sewing workshop
- sexual politics
- sexual violence
- sexuality
- shamans
- shellmounds
- shiites
- sincere realism
- situated knowledges
- slave labor
- slave trade
- slave trade abolition
- slavery
- slavery and bondage lexicon
- Small Farmers Movement (MPA)
- Sobral
- sociability
- social action
- social and economic outcomes
- social anthropology
- social ascension
- social capital
- social class
- social classes
- social distance
- social distinction
- social history
- social housing
- social inequality
- social justice
- social mobility
- social movements
- social networks
- social normalization
- social participation
- social protest
- social representation
- social representations
- social responsibility
- social stratification
- social theory
- Socio-environmental Policy
- socio-environmentalism
- socio-history
- socio-professional nomenclatures
- sociocultural engagement
- sociology of crime
- sociology of taste
- soul
- South Africa
- South America
- South Atlantic
- Southern Cone
- Soviet Union
- soy
- space
- Spanish
- Spanish Civil War
- spatial perception
- spatial practices
- specialty coffees
- species extinction
- speech
- speech production
- speleothem
- spiritism
- spokespersons
- state
- State
- state feminism
- state of São Paulo
- state practices
- state violence
- statistical mapping
- statistics
- Stephan Zweig
- strategic essentialism
- structure
- student movements
- subjectivity
- substance
- suburban trains
- suburbs
- suddeness
- suffering
- sugar
- sunnis
- supplication
- surrealism
- sustainability
- swindling
- symbolic hierarchies
- symbolic violence
- symbolization of identity
- syncretism
- Syria
- tal como veremos em alguns poemas de Haroldo de Campos
- Tarsila do Amaral
- taste
- teachers
- Teachers Training School
- techno-politics
- technocracy
- technology
- temporality
- Tereza D’Amico
- territorial categories
- territorial development
- territorial divisions
- territorial limits
- territorial rights
- territoriality
- text and context
- the 1960s-1980s
- The Art Institute of Chicago
- the Brazilian little way
- the Holocaust
- the popular
- theater
- theory and literary history
- theory of history
- tie-in objects
- torture
- torturers
- trade
- traditional people
- traditional populations
- tragedy
- trajectory
- trans people
- transgression
- transition towards democracy
- translation
- transnational migration
- trauma
- tropical forests (Amazon and Atlantic Forest)
- tropicalism and counterculture
- Tupi
- turf industry
- Turkish identity
- turn of the nineteenth century
- twentieth century
- twenty-first century
- umbanda
- unemployment
- Unesco’s Slave Route
- union of crowns (1580-1640)
- unions
- United States
- United States Supreme Court
- universalism
- university
- upper classes
- urban
- urban areas
- urban dynamics
- urban periphery
- urban policies
- urban population
- urban reforms
- urban space
- urban space production
- urban subject
- Uruguay
- uses of the space
- Walter Benjamin
- war on drugs
- waster
- water management
- water scarcity
- West Africa
- western culture
- whiteness
- windmills
- witness
- women
- women’s art
- women’s political representation
- worker testimonies
- workers
- Worker’s Party
- working class women
- working classes
- world heritage
- world literature
- World War II
- writing of history
- writing practices
- 16th-17th centuries
- 16th-17th century
- 16th-18th centuries
- 16th-19th centuries
- 17th and 18th centuries
- 17th century
- 18th century
- 1920 census
- 1920’
- 1940’ and 1950’
- 1964 Coup d’état
- 1980 e 1990 com o objetivo de compreender as diferentes estratégias poéticas criadas nesse período para responder aos desafios específicos do regime de historicidade presentista (Hartog) próprio à experiência contemporânea. Transforma-se a relação entre p
- 1988 constitution
- 19th and 20th centuries
- 19th century
- 19th century Brazil
- 19th century Brazilian novel
- 19th-20th centuries
- 19th-20th centuries Brazil