Instructions for Authors
1. Manuscript presentation
Manuscripts are to be submitted in the original language, on the following link: Articles should be original works, which have not been published previously in any language, either in paper form or on the Internet, nor simultaneously submitted to other journals.
Each article should be accompanied by a trilingual (French, English, Portuguese) identification sheet, including the title of the article (in the three languages), the authors’ names in the desired order, a summary of around 500 characters (spaces included) with 5 keywords, all of that in the three languages. The university affiliation of each author will be added, as well as his/her ORCID identification number (the authors that do not own an ORCID account can easily create one trough the following link:
If the article is submitted in a language other than French, it will only be translated following acceptance.
The manuscript should be prepared in Word format (.doc or .docx) without any particular page set-up (please do not use a style template). Paragraphs should be separated by a 1 cm indent. Long citations (more than three lines) should form a new paragraph, separated by a 3 cm indent. Where necessary, accents should be used on capital letters. For articles submitted in French, French style quotation marks should be used (« … »). First names should be written in full. Abbreviations and acronyms should be written in full in their first citation: United Nations (UN). Thereafter, they should be written without punctuation: abbreviations in capital letters (PT); acronyms like proper nouns (Unesco). Italics should be used only for words or phrases written in a language other than that of the article. Underlining is not permitted. Each section of the article should be preceded by a non-numbered subheading, except the introduction, which is presented without a subheading.
In French, each article should not exceed 65,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes, and the list of consulted works). Articles submitted in Portuguese or English should not exceed 58,000 characters (since the length usually increases by about 10% when translated into French). In all cases, the number of characters accounted for by footnotes should remain under 20% of that of the entire text (excluding the list of consulted works).
For articles requiring translation, authors should be aware that the repetition of any particular word or expression within the same paragraph is inadmissible in French. To avoid the translator using unsuitable synonyms, it is important to adhere to this rule in the original language. Moreover, it is important to remember that the translator will often cut down phrases that are too long or syntactically too complex. Finally, if the author requires a specific French translation for the concepts used, s/he may suggest them in parentheses within his/her text (the translator will not necessarily have specialist knowledge of the field).
For articles written in Portuguese, citations from works whose original language is not Portuguese must be made in the original language, in order to avoid double translation. If the cited work exists in French, including as a translation, it must be cited from the French edition. For example, if one wants to mention a passage from Casa Grande e Senzala, by Gilberto Freyre, he/she will have to quote it from the French translation Maîtres et esclaves.
2. Bibliography
The journal uses the “author-date” citation style of the Chicago Manual of Style (see The Chicago Manual of Style Online). In the text, references to cited works are not indicated by a footnote but instead are featured within parentheses in the body of the text: (Le Goff 1996, 223-250). Please note: there is no comma between the author’s name and the year, only between the year and the pages. For historical research, manuscript or printed primary sources are displayed in the footnotes.
The list of cited works, written in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author, is given at the end of the article under the title “Bibliography”, following the principles of the Chicago Manual of Style bibliographical system. For multiple citations by the same author, titles should be listed in chronological order. In the bibliography, references must be given in full: please specify authors’ first names; the city of publication; editor; date of the first edition (written in square brackets after the date of the consulted edition) if referring to a reprinted edition; and original title (written in square brackets after the reference) if referring to a translation. Titles are written in French with an initial capital letter on the first noun and the words preceding it; in Portuguese or Spanish, with an initial capital letter only; in English, with a capital letter at the head of every word, except the linking ones.
Books with one author
- In the bibliography: Alonso, Angela. 2015. Flores, votos e balas: o movimento abolicionista brasileiro (1868-88). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
In the text: (Alonso 2015). - In the bibliography: Latour, Bruno. 1991. Nous n’avons jamais été modernes. Paris: La Découverte.
Durkheim, Émile. 2009 [1894]. Les Règles de la méthode sociologique. Paris: Payot.
In the text: (Latour 1991; Durkheim 2009 [1894]) - In the bibliography: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
In the text: (Pollan 2006, 99-100)
Books with two or more authors
The last name of the first author appears before his first name, separated by a comma. For the other authors, the first name appears before the last name. The names of the different authors are separated by commas, except the last one, which should be preceded by a “&”.
- Chalhoub, Sidney & Leonardo Affonso de Miranda Pereira. 1998. A história contada: capítulos de história social da literatura no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira.
(Chalhoub & Pereira 1998) - Martin, Jean-Baptiste, François Laplantine & Ismaël Pordeus. 2001. Usages sociaux de la mémoire et de l’imaginaire au Brésil et en France. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon.
(Martin, Laplantine & Pordeus 2001) - Ward, Geoffrey C., & Ken Burns. 2007. The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945. New York: Knopf.
- (Ward & Burns 2007, 52)
NB: For cited works with four authors or more, provide the complete list in the bibliography but only the first author followed by et al. within the text:
- Kelly, John D., Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, & Jeremy Walton, dir. 2010. Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(Kelly et al. 2010, 77)
Chapters or other parts of a book
- Souza, Laura de Mello e. 1996. “Violência e práticas culturais no cotidiano de uma expedição contra quilombolas – Minas Gerais, 1769”. In: Liberdade por um Fio: História dos Quilombos no Brasil, dirigé par João José Reis & Flavio dos Santos Gomes, 193-212. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
(Souza 1996, 201) - Kelly, John D. 2010. “Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War”. In Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, dirigé par John D. Kelly, Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, & Jeremy Walton, 67–83. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(Kelly 2010, 77)
Prefaces, introductions or other similar parts of a book
- Rieger, James. 1982. Introduction à Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, xi–xxxvii. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(Rieger 1982, xx–xxi)
Books published electronically
- Austen, Jane. 2007. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics. Kindle edition.
(Austen 2007) - Kurland, Philip B., & Ralph Lerner, dir. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(Kurland & Lerner 1987)
Articles in a print journal
- Fico, Carlos. 2009. “Represión durante la dictadura militar brasileña (1964-1985): violencia y pretensión pedagógica”. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos 1: 17-41.
(Fico 2009, 23) - Saez, Oscar Calavia. 2011. “O lugar e o tempo do objeto etnográfico”. Etnográfica 15 (3): 589-602.
(Saez 2011, 589-602)
NB: In the bibliography, indicate the page range for the full article; in the text, indicate the specific page numbers consulted.
Articles in an online journal
Indicate a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if the journal lists one. If no DOI is available, list a URL. Include an access date in parentheses according to the following model: (consulté le 8 août 2020).
- Kossinets, Gueorgi & Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network”. American Journal of Sociology 115: 405–50. DOI: 10.1086/599247 (consulté le 28 février 2010).
(Kossinets and Watts 2009, 411) - Strozenberg, Iliana. 2006. “Branca, preta, híbrida: qual é a cor da beleza na propaganda brasileira hoje?” Com Ciência, Revista eletrônica de jornalismo científico 78, 10 juillet. (consulté le 10 août 2010).
(Strozenberg 2006)
Thesis or dissertation
- Leandro, Sylvia Amanda da Silva. 2012. “O que matar (não) quer dizer nas práticas e discursos da justiça criminal: o tratamento judiciário dos ‘homicídios por auto de resistência’ no Rio de Janeiro”. Dissertation de mestrado en droit. Rio de Janeiro: Université fédérale de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
(Leandro 2012) - Choi, Mihwa. 2008. “Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty”. Thèse de doctorat. Chicago: University of Chicago.
(Choi 2008)
Papers presented at a meeting or conference
- Adelman, Rachel. 2009. “’Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On’: God’s Footstool in the Aramaic Targumim and Midrashic Tradition”. Communication présentée au congrès annuel de la Society of Biblical Literature. New Orleans: Louisiana, 21-24 novembre, manuscrit.
(Adelman 2009)
NB: The typographic features of each language should be maintained. Other examples are available on the Chicago Manual of Style website.
3. Illustrations
Photographs and graphics accompanying text must be in high definition (at least 300 dpi). Photographs must be provided as scanned files in .jpg format. The graphics must be sent in a separate file from the text and transmitted as an image, in .jpg format. Tables should be placed directly in the file of the article (Word).
Please specify the caption, reference of origin, and placement within the text for all illustrations. Please provide an authorization of reproduction and, if possible, use rights free images.
4. Notes
Continuous automatic numbering must be used with footnotes. Reference numbers should be placed, if possible, at the end of a phrase and simply inserted as a superscript within the text (do not use parentheses). The reference number in the text should always precede punctuation marks. For example: according to Michelet5.
In the footnote itself, the automatically generated number should be followed by a space, and then by the note’s content.
Please limit the number of footnotes (no more than 20% of the text). Where possible, notes should be grouped into a single footnote at the end of a paragraph.
The article’s title and subtitles should not contain footnotes.
5. Videos
It is possible to insert videos into an article. To do so, please include the URL of the media. State the name of the author, the credits, the caption, and the placement in the document’s text. All published media should be rights free.