Texte intégral
1To celebrate this one-hundredth issue of the BMS and 25 years of publishing, the BMS publishes three research articles which together apply four different methods of analysis to the entire collection of titles, abstracts and key words of all research articles and research reports published in issues 1 to 99. This issue also celebrates 23 years of cooperation between the BMS and RC33, the Research Committee “Logic and Methodology” of the International Sociological Association (ISA), and includes the Fall 2008 RC33 Newsletter and its report on RC33’s Seventh International Conference on Social Science Methodology which took place in Naples, Italy, on 1-5 September 2008. Besides the three research articles, this issue also publishes an Ongoing Research dossier, “European Research Evaluation Fever in the Social Sciences”, concerning the recent official classification in France of sociological journals by the AERES.
2The first research article, “Analyses of a Quarter of Century of Publishing at the BMS”, by Karl M. van Meter, includes a brief historical presentation of the BMS and its cooperation with RC33, and reviews previous analyses of BMS research publishing and, in particular, the two following research articles. The second research article, “HowHave the Themes of the First 99 Issues of theBMS Evolved, An Analysis with a Text-Mining Software”, by Mathilde de Saint Léger, analyzes BMS articles with Calliope, a co-occurrence of key words method, and produces thematic strategic diagrams for 1983-1992, 1993-2000 and 2001-2008. The third research article, “A Quarter of a Century of Methodology – The Emergence of Longitudinal Analysis, Social Networks and Textual Statistics”, Gérard Boudesseul, analyzes this corpus with hierarchically ascending and descending classification programs and with factorial correspondence analysis, describing in detail five major thematic classes.
3The AERES classification dossier includes three separate contributions: the “Introduction” of the research report byYves Gingras; “Research Evaluation Fever – Bad Use of False Indicators”; a report by Laurence Coutrot, “On the Recent Use of Bibliometric Indicators as Evaluation Tools in Scientific Research”; and a report prepared by François Briatta (ANCMSP), “Cross-Classification Comparison of Journals in Sociology-Demography and Political Science.
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Référence papier
« Editorial », Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique, 100 | 2008, 3.
Référence électronique
« Editorial », Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique [En ligne], 100 | 2008, mis en ligne le 01 octobre 2008, consulté le 06 février 2025. URL : http://0-journals-openedition-org.catalogue.libraries.london.ac.uk/bms/3033
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