Meeting: Peoples and Cultures: Realities and Perspectives on French Research in the Middle East
Texte intégral
1In the presence of:
His Excellency Jacques Huntzinger, French Ambassador to Israel
Professor Gabriel Motzkin, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Elie Barnavi, Former Israeli Ambassador to France, Professor at Tel Aviv University
Mr. Matan Vilnai, Israeli Minister of Science, Culture and Sport
29:30 – 12:30
Chair: Professor Roland Etienne
Dominique Bourel: Holy Land and Land of Science: French Research in the Middle East
Frank Alvarez-Péreyre: Humanities and Social Sciences at the CRFJ
Bernard Vandermeersch: The Paleolithique, from Ubeidiya to Natufian
Jean Perrot: At the Sources of Civilizations
Chair: Professor André Kaspi
Opening address: Mr. Serge Koetschet, Consul general of France in Jerusalem
Silvana Condemi: From Excavation to Publication: the Reconstitution of the Lifestyle of Fossil Populations
Sylvie Anne Goldberg: Between History and Politics: the Polarization of Jewish Studies
Catherine Weill-Rochant: Tel Aviv between the Two Wars
Sossie Andezian: Socio-Anthropology of Populations in the Israeli-Palestinian Space
Lisa Antebi-Yemini: The Ethiopian Jews in Israel: Reformations of identity and Dynamics of Integration
4Conclusion: Dominique Bourel: Reflections on the Future of the CRFJ
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Référence papier
« Meeting: Peoples and Cultures: Realities and Perspectives on French Research in the Middle East », Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem, 11 | 2002, 117.
Référence électronique
« Meeting: Peoples and Cultures: Realities and Perspectives on French Research in the Middle East », Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem [En ligne], 11 | 2002, mis en ligne le 13 novembre 2007, consulté le 19 février 2025. URL :
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