Michel Roux
Paris : Fayard, 1995, 326 p., chronologie, bibliographie, cartes, index.
Patrick Michels
Conversi (Daniele), German-Bashing and the Breakup of Yugoslavia, Washington : Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies / University of Washington, 1998 (Donald W. treadgold Papers in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, (16), march 1998), 81 p. & Naimark (Norman M.), Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth Century Europe, Washington : Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies / University of Washington, 1998 (Donald W. treadgold Papers in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, (19), october 1998), 54 p.
Bernard Lory
Leiden / New York / Köln : Brill, 1997, 405 p.
Bernard Lory
Sofia : éditions universitaires Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 1998, 223 p. (résumé anglais, 24 p. d’illustrations médiocres, pas de cartes, mais de nombreux tableaux statistiques)