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Author Guidelines

Please note that these guidelines are for articles submitted in English. For articles submitted in French, please refer to the Recommandations aux auteurs.

Balkanologie accepts research articles in French or in English, research notes and book reviews. The editorial committee also accepts proposals for thematic dossiers. It is then necessary to submit a proposal and a list of contributions.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published.

Article length should be between 50,000 and 80,000 characters long, including abstracts, notes and appendices. Research notes are between 20,000 and 50,000 characters long and reviews are between 6,000 and 10,000 characters long.

Note: Reviews may be for a single book or for several books set in perspective; they may involve two authors commenting on the same book from their individual point of view. In all cases, the authors of reviews are invited, before submission, to contact the editors in charge of the “Reviews” section: Detelina Tocheva (tocheva.detelina[at] and Fabio Giomi (fabio.giomi[at]

Presentation of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be sent in Word (.docx) format only. In order to ensure anonymity during the review process, authors are asked to remove any personally identifying information from the document properties.

The fonts used should be in Unicode, especially in the case of Eastern European sources or in non-Latin alphabets. Transliteration in accented Latin alphabet is, however, preferred and must follow international rules.

Please send your text without formatting. Do not use the tab button to indent new paragraphs. Do not use bold, underlined, or highlighted text. Italics for emphasis should be used sparingly.

The first page of articles and research notes includes, in order:

  • the title of the article, in headline-style capitalization;

  • the first and last name of the author, with only the first letter of each word capitalized;

    • 1 In case of multiple authors, one author per line, followed by their affiliation.

    the author’s affiliation;1

  • an abstract in the language of the article (about 100 words);

  • keywords in the language of the article, separated by a comma;

  • the title of the article translated into the other language (in French for articles in English);

  • the abstract of the article translated into the other language;

  • the keywords translated into the other language, separated by a comma.

The first page of reviews includes, in order:

  • the title of the review (usually the author and the title of the work reviewed), in headline-style capitalization;

  • the simplified reference of the work reviewed: place of publication, publisher, year of publication.

  • the first name and last name of the author of the review, in lower case;

  • the affiliation of the author of the review;

  • the full reference of the work listed (Last name, First name, Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, number of pages, ISBN).

Bibliographical references

Bibliographical references are given in footnotes (there is no bibliography at the end of an article). Use a semicolon (;) to separate two or more references given in the same note.

When the same reference appears consecutively in several notes, replace it from the second occurrence with ibid.

When a reference is repeated, use the short form Author, Short Title, followed by op. cit. for a book, or Author, “Short Title”, followed by op. cit. for an article or a chapter. Short title: delete the subtitle and keep a set of words that makes sense.

If the book or contribution has more than three authors, indicate the name of the first author followed by et al.

The author’s last name is in small caps (Command+Shift+K).

  • Books:

Last name First name, Title of Work, Place Published, Publisher, Year [Year of first edition].

Last name First name, Overall Title, Vol. 1, Title of Volume or Tome, Pref. of First Name Last Name, Place Published, Publisher, Year.

Last Name First Name, Last Name First Name, Title of Work, Place Published, Publisher, Year.

Last Name First Name (ed.), Title of Work, Place Published, Publisher, Year.

  • Chapter in an edited volume:

Last Name First Name, “Title of Contribution,” in First Name Last Name (ed.), Title of Work, Place Published, Publisher, Year, p. 00-00.

Last Name First Name, “Title of Contribution,” in First Name Last Name, First Name Last Name (eds), Title of Work, Place Published, Publisher, Year, p. 00-00.

  • Article in a journal:

Last Name First Name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title, vol. 123, no 12, Year, p. 00-00.

Last Name First Name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title, vol. 123, no 12 (Issue Title), Year, p. 00-00.

Note: References to journal articles and chapters in edited volumes should always include the full range of page numbers as well as the page cited. For example: p. 00-00 (00).

Note: For (no) do not use the sign (°) for degree, but write (o) by pressing on the key for the letter (o), select and then press simultaneously Cmd, Maj and +

  • Online reference:

(Note: if the book, contribution or article exists in both paper and online versions, only the paper reference will be used).

Last Name First Name, “Title of Contribution,” in First Name Last Name, Name of Host Site, Year of Publication or Update, online: (accessed in Month Year).

  • The English translation of the title of the work or article must be given in square brackets and in Roman for languages other than French and English:

Last name First name, Title of Work [Translation of Title], Place Published, Publisher, Year.

Last Name First Name, “Title of Article” [Translation of Title], Journal Title, vol. 123, no 12, Year, p. 00-00.

Note: wherever possible, footnotes should fall at the end of a sentence after the punctuation mark.


The illustrations are provided as separate files in JPEG or PNG format exclusively. Their resolution will be 150 dpi and their width will be between 480 and 4000 pixels. The total file size of the article (text and illustrations) may not exceed 10 MB.

The authors shall provide, in a separate file, a list of illustrations including for each image:

  • the serial number of the image as it appears in the article (e.g., figure 1);

  • a title;

  • caption;

  • the source, credits, and authorization for publication on the Internet.

The authors insert in the text of the article the calls for figures (fig. # where # is the serial number).


The title and subheads are clearly identified, lowercased, and unnumbered. They must not contain footnote calls. The introduction and conclusion do not include subheads. Do not exceed two levels of subheads. Do not use a period at the end of the title and subheads.

Articles submitted in English should avoid guillemets (« ») in favour of double quotation marks (“ ”), reserving single quotation marks (‘ ’) for quotations within quotations.

For articles submitted in English, commas and periods always fall inside quotation marks. Colons and semi-colons fall outside quotation marks, as do numbers indicating a footnote.

Centuries should be spelled out and lowercased (e.g., the twentieth century and not the 20th century). Spans of dates should be written out in full (1939-1945 not 1939-45).

Small numbers (at least from one to ten) are written in full (one, two, three… not 1, 2, 3…), except in the case of enumeration and quantified data.

Quotations are in roman, except in the case of quotations in foreign languages, in italics. Longer quotations (five lines or more) are in a separate paragraph without quotation marks. Each quotation must refer in a footnote to a specific reference (bibliographical reference with page indication, reference to a localised and dated oral interview).

Peer-review process

All submitted articles will be reviewed by two external referees. Reviews are double-blind. In case of (1)minor changes, (2)more substantial revisions and (3)major re-writing + resubmission, the authors are required to provide, along with the revised version, a note of one to two pages explaining the changes introduced. If the revised version does not take into account some of the suggestions made by the referees, this needs to be explained.

Revised versions with minor changes will be reviewed internally by the editorial board.

At the discretion of the editorial committee, revised versions with more substantial revisions can be sent out for a second round of reviews, or can be reviewed internally.

Articles that have been resubmitted after major re-writing will be sent out to two external referees.

While revising their article, authors are requested to use an anonymized track changes function.


1 In case of multiple authors, one author per line, followed by their affiliation.

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