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Balkanologie, Revue d’études pluridisciplinaires is the journal of the French Association for Balkan Studies (AFEBalk). The journal publishes scholarly research on South-Eastern Europe (broadly defined as the area stretching from Hungary to Turkey) from the Ottoman period to the present in the fields of humanities and social sciences. From its establishment in 1997, a time when interest in the Balkans extended far beyond the scientific community, the journal contributed to a better understanding of the contemporary Balkans in France and beyond. Later, as the Balkans’ geopolitical prominence faded, the journal slowed its production, ending with a final issue in 2012. However, convinced that the Balkans still offer a revealing perspective on social dynamics in Europe and the Mediterranean region, AFEBalk decided, in 2020, to relaunch the journal.

Balkanologie publishes articles in French and English. Its goal is to disseminate research on the Balkans carried out in France or by French-speaking researchers. It also aims to make works that are not widely distributed in French—particularly from the Balkan region—accessible to francophone readers, and to reach a non-francophone readership with articles in English.

Each journal issue is organized around one (or more) thematic dossiers coordinated by guest editors, whether or not they are members of the journal’s editorial or scientific committees. The “Varia” section offers articles not related to the thematic dossier; the “Research Notes” section includes shorter texts introducing field research, a collection of texts, or a project in progress; the “Beyond Balkanologie section allows editors of journals and book series outside the field to present their work on South-Eastern Europe; the “Forum” section presents debates, works in progress, or discussions of books with their authors; and, finally, the “Book Reviews” section presents reviews of recently published books. Articles and research notes undergo double-blind peer review by specialists working in relevant fields in France or elsewhere in the world.

Balkanologie is published thanks to the support of the research centers: Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative (IDEMEC, UMR 7307, CNRS, AMU), Centre d'études ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques (CETOBAC, UMR 8032,  EHESS, CNRS), UMR Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe méridionale-méditerranée (TELEMME, UMR 7303, CNRS, AMU), Centre de recherche Europes Eurasie (CREE, INALCO) and Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités (GSRL, UMR 8582, CNRS, EPHE-PSL)

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