Index | Keywords
- À la recherche du temps perdu
- A Thousand Plateaus
- abolitionism
- abuse
- adaptation
- adaptation theory
- aesthetics
- African American folklore
- African-American literature
- African-American literature (20th and 21st centuries)
- agentivity
- AIDS event
- Alexandrine geography
- Algeria
- Algerian
- Algerian literature
- Algiers school
- alienation
- ambiguity
- America
- American invasion (2003)
- American literature
- American literature (20th century)
- American literature (21st century)
- American myth
- American poetry (21st century)
- American racism
- American tourism
- American woman writer
- amnesia
- amplification
- Andalusia
- angel
- Anglo-Afro-Caribbean poetry
- Annunciation
- anthropology
- anthropophagia
- anti-imperialism
- anti-Semitism
- antiphrasis
- Arabic
- Arabic literature (20th and 21st centuries)
- archeology
- archetype
- archive
- Ariel
- Arkansas
- art
- art of speech
- art worker
- Arthurian literature (12th-13th centuries)
- Arthurian women
- artistic experimentation
- Artus de Bretagne
- Aspremont
- Atlantic
- Australian literature
- authoritarianism
- author’s invisibility
- autobiographical writing
- autobiography
- autofiction
- autotextuality
- avant-garde
- awareness / knowledge
- banality of evil
- Barcelona
- Baudolino
- bearing witness
- Beat Generation
- beheading
- Beloved
- Bible
- Bible and Literature
- biblical apocrypha
- biblical interpolation
- biblism
- bio-power
- biography
- biopolitics
- Black Arts Movement
- black bile
- Black diaspora
- Black identity
- Black Knight
- Black masculinity
- Black phenomenology and existentialism
- Black poetics
- black polar
- blockage of emotions
- blues
- Bochica
- body
- Book of Revelation
- book of the world
- border
- Breton novel
- bucolic poetry
- Byzantine commentary
- C.S.I.
- cannibalism
- Caribbean literature
- cartesianism
- catalanity
- Celestina (La)
- censorship
- Central Catholic Office
- Cephalonia
- chanson de geste
- character
- childhood
- China
- China in the 1920s and 1930s
- China Missionary
- Chinese new literature
- chorography
- Christ of the Second Coming
- Christian theology
- chronicle as a literary genre
- cinema
- cinema adaptation
- civilisation
- clash of civilisation
- class struggle
- codex Bodmer 147
- collaborator
- collage
- collection of relics
- collective memory
- collective unconscious
- colonialism
- colonisation
- Commedia dell’Arte
- comment on the translation
- commitment
- conception of space
- conception of time
- concrete utopia
- condensation
- confusion of languages
- connection
- conquest
- Conquest of the West
- contemporary Age
- contemporary Italian literature
- contemporary poetry
- controversy
- conversation piece
- conversion
- corpse
- correspondence
- Cosa Nostra
- cosmopolitism
- counterculture
- courtesy code
- courts and justice
- cover
- creation
- creolisation
- Cressida
- Cretan literature
- Criseyde
- criticism
- crossbreeding
- crusade
- cultural identity
- cultural topography
- culture
- culture crosses
- cut-up
- dance
- Dark Shadows
- De Antiquissima italorum sapientia
- de-territorialization
- death
- décadence
- decapitation
- decentralisation
- decolonisation
- deforestation
- Delta Wedding
- democracy
- denial
- depth psychology
- des Esseintes
- desert
- desert-forest
- detection cinema
- detective genre
- detective novel
- dialogism
- digital technology
- diphthongisation
- discontinuous narrative structure
- Discours des misères de ce temps
- discourse
- discursive ethos
- disenchantment
- displacement
- docudrama
- dog
- domination
- double-edged language
- dramatic space
- duality
- DVD extras
- dystopia
- e-migration
- early printed book
- East
- ecocriticism
- ecology
- ecoterrorism
- ecstasy
- Eden
- education
- Egypt
- ekphrasis
- elegy
- elitist tourism
- emancipation
- emancipation of peoples
- emigration
- emplacement
- encomiastic poetry (17th century)
- encyclopedia
- End Times
- engaged cinema
- engagement
- engraving
- Enlightenment
- entertainer
- enthusiasm
- environmentalism
- epic poetry
- epistolary genre
- Equal Danger
- Erasmism
- eroticism
- errancy
- esthetics of the diversity
- ethnohistory
- ethos
- Europe
- exchange
- excursion
- exile
- existentialist writing
- exoticism
- expatriation
- experimental literature
- experimental poetics
- exploration
- expression of the minor
- Falanxi wenxue
- fantasy
- Far From the Madding Crowd
- far-right
- father
- fear
- femininity
- feminism
- feminized man
- fiat lux
- fiction
- figure
- figure of speech
- film epic
- First World War
- focalisation
- food
- Ford Madox Ford
- fragmentary contamination
- France
- Francophone poetry
- free act
- freedom
- French contemporary drama
- French literature (19th-20th centuries)
- French literature (20th century)
- French literature (21st century)
- French poetry
- French Renaissance poetry
- French Riviera
- frontier
- fulfilment of the Scriptures
- Fuzhou Naval Shipyard
- garden
- Gauls
- gender
- gender studies
- genius
- genocide
- genre
- geography
- geopoetics
- geopolitics
- George Fairchild
- Germany
- gesamtkunstwerk
- Ghost Dance
- giant
- globalisation
- Gnosticism
- Golden Age
- Golden Age myth
- Gospel According to St. Matthew
- Gothic architecture
- Grail
- Great Trade Route
- Greco-Latin Antiquity
- Greece
- Greek
- Greek and Abrahamic mythologies
- Greek mythology
- Green Knight
- Grenade
- hagiography
- haïku
- Haïti
- Haïtian-American writing (XXth century)
- head
- head and skull reliquary
- head relic ; cephalophoria
- headhunting
- heaume
- hedonism
- hegemonic masculinity
- hegemony
- heroism
- Hippocratics
- history
- history of ideas
- Holy Land
- horizon of expectation
- human “I” and divine “I”
- humanism
- hybridation
- hybridisation
- hybridity
- hypertechnology
- hypotext
- I
- icon
- iconography
- identity
- ideology
- idiolect
- illegal immigrant
- illumination
- Ilsa (1946)
- image
- imaginary
- imagination
- imitative writing
- immunity
- immutability
- imperialism
- incunable
- Indian America
- Indian resistance
- indianism
- individual conscience
- industrial era
- influence
- ingenium
- insularity
- insult
- intangible heritage
- intensity
- interaction
- interbreeding
- intercultural
- intercultural dialogue
- internal experience
- interpretation
- intersectionality
- intertextuality
- interzone
- intruder
- invariant
- inventio
- invention of relic
- investigation
- Iraq
- Iraq War
- Iraqi literature
- Iraqi postcolonial novel
- Irish poetry
- irony
- ISIS invasion
- island
- Italian cinema
- Italian emigrant
- Italy
- La Poudre aux yeux
- La Tosca
- La Vie de Jésus
- lady
- Lancelot
- land
- landscape
- landscape painting
- language
- language of crossbreeding
- Last Judgement
- Latin America
- Latin American literature
- Latinity
- law
- Le Soleil des Gouffres
- Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon
- Lebanese literature
- legend
- legendisation
- Les Trois Mousquetaires
- libanity
- liberation
- library
- life
- light
- ligne de fuite
- liminality
- linguistic invention
- literary imagination
- literary testimony
- literature and axiology
- literature from the Republican period in Shanghai
- literature of exile
- literature of French expression
- Locke’s Way
- loneliness
- love
- lyricism
- L’Invasion
- magical realism
- magistracy
- Mani
- manuscript
- manuscript BnF fr. 5594
- manuscript Royal 19 D I
- map
- margin
- marginal cosmopolitanism
- marginality
- Marseilles
- marvel
- marvellous story
- masculine body
- masculinity
- masculinity challenged
- mask
- masochism
- maternity
- matriarchy
- May 4
- media
- medieval
- meditation
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Sea
- melancholy
- memorial transmission
- memory
- memory and existence
- memory of the South
- mental image
- messianic character
- metamorphosis
- metaphony
- metaphor
- metaphysics
- meteorological climate theory
- Mexico story
- Middle Ages
- migrant
- millennial anxiety
- miniature
- minor literature
- minor voice
- minoration
- minority
- mise en abyme
- mise en scène
- misery
- missing people
- missionary
- Mississippi
- modern means of transport
- modern spirit
- modernism
- modernity
- mollusk
- monster
- monument
- Moroccan literature
- Morocco
- mother
- mother tongue
- mountaineering
- movement
- mud
- Muiscas
- multipolar world
- mutant generation
- mystical
- mysticism
- myth
- myth of Caïn
- myth of Hecate
- myth of the origins
- mythème
- mythology
- myths and fables
- paganism
- Pampa
- paratext
- paratopia
- Paris
- parody
- passion
- pastiche
- pastoral
- pastoral landscape
- pastoralism
- patriarchy
- Patrie !
- pedagogical rewriting
- peddler
- people
- peripli
- Persian poetry
- person
- perspective
- Peru
- petrarquism
- phenomenology
- phonology
- pirate novel
- pity
- place of memory
- poetic enunciator
- poetic evocation
- poetics of places
- poetry
- poetry (19th century)
- poetry (20th century)
- poetry and landscape
- poetry and music
- poetry and sacredness
- point of view
- Point Omega
- political commitment
- political language
- political thought
- polyphony
- popular culture
- post-humanism
- postcolonial literature
- postcolonialism
- postmodernism
- previous ethos
- privacy
- proem
- progress
- proofreading
- propaganda
- prophecy
- prose poem
- Provence
- psyche
- psychotherapy
- Pulcinella
- pun
- race
- racial memory
- Racinian Man
- radical culture
- Radical Party
- rape
- rasta
- rastaquouere
- re-territorialization
- re-writing
- real man
- realism
- reception of myth
- Reconquista
- Reform
- Reformation
- refuge
- regard caméra
- regionalism
- regression
- regret
- relation
- religion
- remembrance
- Renaissance
- Renaissance painting
- repartee
- representation
- repression
- Republic of China
- research/creation
- resilience
- resistance
- revenge
- reversal
- reverse shot
- revolution
- Revolution and Love
- revolutionary minor expression
- rewriting
- rhetoric
- rhetorical ethos in poetry (17th century)
- Rhineland Mischlingers
- ring
- river
- road fiction
- Roman geopolitics
- romance
- romance language
- rural landscape
- sacred
- sacred music
- sacred poetry
- saint Paul's epistles
- Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon
- Saison violente
- Salome
- Saracen
- satire
- Savochoun
- scholiast
- science
- scopic gaze
- screen page
- sea
- seashell
- Seaside Cemetery (a)
- Second World War
- sect
- self
- self-determination
- self-sufficient farming
- sensitive
- separation
- seraglio
- settler
- severed head motif
- sexual equality
- sexuality
- Shiwu xiaohaojie [Fifteen little heroes (Deux ans de vacances)]
- Sicily
- Silk Road (the)
- Sin mirar atrás
- slavery
- sloth
- Small Producer
- smuggler
- solar sense of tragedy
- song
- sotie
- South
- South America
- South of France
- southern dialect
- southern fiction (21st century)
- southern gentleman
- southern lady
- southern literature
- southern masculinity
- space
- Spain
- Spanish literature (21st century)
- speculative fiction
- speculative story
- speech act
- spiritual literature
- spiritual union
- spiritual vision
- spirituality
- sport
- staging
- State
- stereotype
- structure
- subaltern
- subalternity
- sublime
- subversion
- Sufism
- superman
- supernatural
- surrealism
- symbol
- symbolism
- system
- Tahiti
- tale
- Tangier
- tautology
- temptation
- tent
- territorialization
- terror
- terrorism and repression
- testimonial literature
- testimony
- textual reading
- The Brook Kerith
- The Day of the Owl
- the Grand Tour
- the Mediterranean
- The Orphan of China
- The Orphan of the House of Tchao
- The Second Sex
- The Tempest
- theater of the absurd
- theatre adaptation
- third space
- three ages
- threshold practice
- time
- time travel
- timeline
- Titans
- tolerance
- totalitarianism
- Totò
- Toulon
- tourism
- Tower of Babel
- town
- tragic
- tragic conflict
- transatlantic influx
- transclass
- transgression
- translation
- translation novel
- translation of relic
- transnational literature
- transplantation
- trauma
- travel
- travel literature
- Tristan and Iseult
- trophy
- truth
- Turkish Embassy Letters
- Turn of the Screw