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25 | 2021
Philosophies de la vision

Des rayons visuels à l’intelligence artificielle
Philosophies of vision. From visual rays to artificial intelligence
Edited by Dominique Demange

Sensory vision (eyesight) has always been a matter of particular significance in philosophical thought. This issue is specifically devoted to philosophical theories about sensory vision and their consequences on the theory of knowledge and epistemology. These studies address philosophies dating from Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Modern period, up to recent questions arising from cognitivist theories or theories of Artificial Intelligence. Particular attention is given to the following topics: The relationship between physics, physiology, and psychology of vision; the very nature of the act of vision (direct contact with the object or representation of this object); the function of sensory vision in the theory of knowledge; the status of blind (non-intuitive) thought; the philosophical consequences of Johannes Kepler’s discovery of the retinal image; the logical structure of visual perception; new approaches and new analyses of the act of vision in cognitivist theories and in the theories of Artificial Intelligence.

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