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Scope of the journal ASp

ASp is an international, peer-reviewed journal of English for specific purposes (ESP). The journal welcomes international submissions in English and in French. The journal covers a wide spectrum of subjects from theoretical and applied perspectives - e.g. specialised discourse analysis, description of specialised communities, needs analysis in professional or academic contexts, didactics of specialised varieties of English, etc. The publications are based on various approaches and methods - e.g. corpus analysis, ethnography, history and sociology of specialised domains, among others. As ESP deals with authentic language use, the journal primarily focuses on data-driven research, while also including other forms of work such as ESP epistemology. In addition to research articles, the journal includes two permanent sections: the review section, which deals with current publications in ESP and applied linguistics, and the pedagogical practices section, which aims to disseminate innovative practices in the teaching and learning of ESP. ASp is published by the Groupe d'étude et de recherche en anglais de spécialité (GERAS).

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