Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- acting theory
- actor
- actualization
- adaptation
- Agamemnon
- Alain-René Lesage
- Alexandre Hardy
- allegory
- alterity
- anagnorisis
- Anatomy
- André Mareschal
- Ange Goudar
- animal references
- animal studies
- Antoine de Montchrestien
- Antonio and Mellida
- Antonio’s Revenge
- Antony and Cleopatra
- Aphra Behn
- apothecaries
- apparition
- apricot scene
- arietta
- Aristote
- Armado
- Armande Béjart
- ars moriendi
- authorship
- Calderón de la Barca
- Callandreau
- Cannabich (C.)
- capital execution
- captain
- Caroline drama
- catharsis
- chaos theory
- character
- characterisation
- Charles de Gontaut
- Charles Gildon
- Charles II’s reign
- Charles Regnault
- Charpentier
- Chevalier
- Christie
- Christopher Marlowe
- classical dramatic tradition
- Cléopâtre captive
- closet scene
- clyster
- collusion
- comedia
- comedy
- comedy of sentiment
- comedy-ballet
- Commedia erudita
- community
- conflict
- consultation
- consultation scenes
- courtly rhetoric
- Cretan Renaissance
- curse
- Cyrano de Bergerac
- early modern drama
- early modern lighting technology
- Echo scene (V.iii)
- edition
- Edward’s Boys
- Egidio Duni
- eighteenth century
- ekphrasis
- Elizabethan
- enargeia
- enema
- England
- English
- Enlightenment
- entertainment
- entremés
- epilogue.
- equestrian metaphors
- equine imagery
- Erophili
- Eros
- erotic melancholy
- Étienne Jodelle
- eulogy
- euphemism
- European drama
- execution
- La Calprenède
- La Mort des enfants d’Hérode
- languages
- last words
- Latin
- Laurence Olivier
- Lavinia
- lazzi
- Le Comte d’Essex
- Le Malade imaginaire
- learned academies
- learning
- legitimate violence
- lesson
- libertinism
- linguistic
- literary censorship
- Living dead
- Livy
- Lodovico De’ Bianchi
- London
- Lope de Vega
- Louis Anseaume
- love
- Love’s Labour’s Lost
- lust
- L’École des femmes
- macabre
- madness
- madness.
- magic
- Margaret of Anjou
- marriage
- martyr
- martyrdom
- martyrology
- Mary Stuart
- matricidal impulse
- Measure for Measure
- Measure for Measure; or Beauty The Best Advocate
- medecine
- Medecine
- mediation
- medical comedy
- medical controversies
- medical humour
- medical practices
- medical schools
- medicine
- medieval dramatic tradition
- meditation on mankind
- melancholy
- melodrama
- membra disjecta
- memento mori
- menace
- metatheatricality
- mind’s eye
- Molière
- Molière in Portugal
- Molière’s contemporaries
- monologue
- Montfleury
- mote
- mourning
- mourning play
- Mozart (W. A.)
- Much Ado About Nothing
- multilingual performance
- multilingualism
- multimedia
- mystery
- mythological references
- parade
- paroles
- pastoral
- patient
- pedant
- performance
- performance studies
- Perrault (Charles)
- persecuted innocence
- phantasmagoria
- phenomenology
- Pierre Corneille
- pirate edition
- placebo
- play-within
- polypharmacy
- portraits
- Portuguese theatre in the 18th century
- post-Reformation England
- premier in-folio
- Prince of Wales
- prologue
- property
- prophet
- props
- prosthesis
- protatic shadow
- protection of privacy
- proto-feminist heroine
- Sainte Reine d’Alise
- Salas Barbadillo
- Sam Wanamaker Playhouse
- satire
- scaffold
- scène à faire
- scenes
- scenography
- science
- seen
- Semele
- Sémiramis
- Seneca
- sentence
- seventeenth century
- shadow
- Shakespeare
- Shakespearean intertext
- Sir Patient Fancy
- situational comedy
- sixteenth century
- social hypocrisy
- social media
- social satire
- sociopolitical function
- soliloquy
- space
- Spanish
- Spanish Tragedy
- spectacular effect
- spectral apparition
- spectral misprision
- spectre/ghost
- speech of the condemned
- stage
- stage direction
- stage manager
- staging
- state
- Stratz
- Sturm und Drang
- surgeons
- Tavernier
- technological sublime
- technology
- terror
- textual edition
- Thanatos
- The Book of Martyrs
- The Changeling
- The Duchess of Malfi
- The Old Wife’s Tale
- The Rape of Lucrece
- The Tragedy of Orestes
- The Woman’s Prize
- theatre
- Théâtre à la Source
- théâtre de la première modernité
- théâtre de société
- théâtre de société (amateur theatre)
- theatrical intimacy
- theatrical trick
- Théophile de Viau
- Thierry
- Thomas Goffe
- Thomas Heywood
- Thomas Kyd
- Thomas Middleton
- Thomas More
- time
- Tirso de Molina
- Titus Andronicus
- topical drama
- tragedy
- tragi-comedy
- tragic sign
- transgression
- Trauerspiel
- trial
- triumph of death
- truth