The journal
Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines is a French and English-language journal designed to promote research on techniques and on the materiality of practices in human societies over the long term and in an international perspective. Its ambition is to federate the historian, archeological and anthropological approaches that make techniques, understood in a broad sense, a central element of their questions. Techniques can be as much about production and work as knowledge, the process of transmission and innovation, but also the techniques of the body, those of the political or the religious. The journal is also attentive to reflexive approaches; it encourages methodological and epistemological analyzes. Finally, the multiplicity of sources covered by techniques justifies the interest in heritage, especially collections. The journal reflects current research in this field, that of exhibitions and digital reconstructions. It is a link between researchers and depository institutions. The approach of the techniques is thus largely open, that it concerns the thematics, the methods and the epistemological questions.
The journal is led by an editorial board composed of the editorial department, the digital secretariat, the iconography secretariat, the editorial secretariat, the reviewing secretariat and web communication. This helps to define the main orientations of the journal while performing the work of proofreading and image management (checking the quality of snapshots, bringing the authors into legal compliance). The editorial board guarantees the rigor and scientific quality of the journal.
The journal also includes a peer-review committee for article evaluations and an international committee which provides an international base.
Artefact is a bilingual journal. It publishes in French and in English, which increases the readership and ensures better visibility of the journal. This means that it allows submission of written articles in both languages.
The journal is a bi-annual electronic and paper-based magazine.
Artefact has a varied content: a special issue (6 to 8 articles), a short issue (2 to 4 articles), headings on technical collections, on sources and documents, Varia heading and reviews. The special issue is managed by scientific publishers who must provide texts to the standards of the journal. The journal then evaluates the texts with double peer-review and asks the scientific publishers to collaborate in the exchanges with the authors. The editorial board of the journal proposes themes of issues and invites to submit articles, it enters into relation with scientific publishers and authors, it designates and contacts reviewers of articles (committees of the journal or external), it exchanges with the authors to obtain revisions. Once reviewed, the texts are sent by the management of the journal to the editorial office for proofreading, then to the editor.
Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines is supported by the INSHS, Ipraus-UMR AUSser and ICT-Les Europes dans le monde (UR 337, Univ. Paris Cité). It benefits from the support of the GDR 2092 « Techniques et production dans l’histoire », when acts are published.