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Submission information

Archipel only considers for publication original and unpublished articles or reviews, which are submitted exclusively to Archipel and prepared according to any standard set of scholarly conventions. Every manuscript submitted for publication is assessed by the editorial board of Archipel. The accepted languages are French, English, Indonesian and Malaysian.

Submissions should be emailed in Word (or equivalent) format and Adobe PDF format to archipel[at]

The editorial board advises not to exceed 9,000 words (including footnotes) and to use the font Times New Roman 12 pts. Name, position, institutional affiliation and address of the author shall be mentioned on the front of the manuscript.

A summary not exceeding 130 words or 1,000 characters (including spaces) shall be sent with the manuscript of an article. The language of this summary is the same as the language of the article. If the article is written in another language than English, a summary in English is also required. The illustrations, with captions written in the language of the manuscript, shall be sent in JPEG or TIFF formats using a 300 dpi resolution. The appropriate position of the illustrations should be clearly indicated in the submission.

E-mail queries regarding manuscript submissions should be addressed to Daniel Perret, Editor-in-chief: dlgsperret<at>

Once a submission has been accepted for publication, the editor will email proofs to the author(s) for checking. In all cases the editor will proof-read the copy and make every effort to ensure that no errors go forward.

The editorial board reserves the right to make minor changes on the final proof of the manuscript, without to consult the author again, in order to speed up the printing process.

It is a condition of publication that authors assign all their rights in their manuscripts, including abstracts, to Archipel. The publication of an article is subjected to the signature of a copyright assignment agreement. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course Archipel, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

The author receives a copy of the issue of Archipel, as well as a copy of his/her article in Adobe PDF format.

Reprint or publication of translation on request of the author:
The author retains the right to reproduce or to represent all or a part of his or her article in the framework of the Author’s research activities or teaching purposes carried out for non-commercial use, with the reserve that the Association
Archipel be previously informed and that the full mention of the references of the original publication (title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, issue number, pages) as well as the owner of the exploitation rights appear.

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