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Hors-Série n°2 | 2022
Patani Through Foreign Eyes: Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries (Edited By Daniel Perret & Jorge Santos Alves)

Sous la direction de Daniel Perret et Jorge Santos Alves

Informations sur cette image
ISBN 978-2-910513-88-7

Notes de la rédaction

The history of the kingdom of Patani, on the eastern coast of the Thai peninsula along the South China Sea, has attracted scholarly interest since early nineteenth century. While the timing and circumstances surrounding its emergence remain unclear, the important economic role played by this kingdom in Asian trade during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries led to the production of contemporary foreign written sources that unfortunately remain difficult to access.
The first objective of this book is therefore to bring together the original texts (in full or partial) of thirty one Iberian and Dutch sources dated from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, texts related to the history of Patani, with an original translation into English. A number of archival Iberian documents presented here are published for the first time.
The second objective is to provide an overview of research on these two centuries of the Patani kingdom since Thomas John Newbold published the first lineaments of this history in London in 1839.
The third objective is to offer the first essay on Pataniʼs place in the Luso-Asian networks during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
The fourth objective is to use the various corpora of foreign and indigenous sources published to date to try to shed new light on Pataniʼs political, social and cultural history during that period.

Ce hors-série n° 2 est accessible gratuitement et uniquement en ligne
This special issue no. 2 is available free of charge and online only

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