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34 | 2012

Couverture 34 | Campagnes
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Credits: DAO : Jean-Marc Bryand, Inrap [D’après : Nillesse, 2009 ; Menez, 2008 ; Le Goff et al., 2002 ; Peuchet, 1993 et 1995 ; Sireix et al., 2007 ; Lepaumier, 2001 ; San Juan et al.,1994 ; Tolédo i Mur et al., 1998]
Inrap, 2012, 112 p.

When we contemplate our present landscapes, we know now that they are the result of profound changes: for seven millennia, the successive populations have reshaped lands and plants to create these spaces so characteristic of our countryside that are meadows and fields.

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