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45 | 2017 [2018]
De la terre au pot

From earth to pot
De la tierra al tarro
Couverture 45 | De la terre au pot
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Credits: Jeanne Frank, Item
Inrap, 2017 [2018], 148 p.

Depending on period, region and use, the production of ceramics, in addition to the typology, is distinguished by the choice of materials, the particularity of their combinations, the search for new properties of the pastes in order to obtain decorative effects or resistance to chemical or climatic aggression... These characteristics can also depend on the assembly, shaping and firing processes. What operating methods, equipment and tools are used, and are necessary or even essential, at each stage of manufacture? What do the archaeological traces of trials and failures (firing failures, for example) and current experiments contribute to the understanding of this production?

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