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HomeSpecial issueHors-série 6

Hors-série 6 | 2022
Archéologie nationale. Recherche Expertise Patrimoine

National archaeology. Research Expertise Heritage
Arqueología nacional. Investigación Experiencia Patrimonio
Hors-série 6 | Archéologie nationale. Recherche Expertise Patrimoine
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Credits: Hervé Paitier, Inrap
Inrap, 2022, 460 p.

After 20 years of existence governed by two laws, in 2003 and 2016, Inrap offers in this special issue of its scientific journal Archéopages a retrospective vision of the construction of preventive archaeology in France, in dialogue with the regional archaeology services. Successive regional planning policies have led Inrap to innovate. First and foremost, by stimulating research projects that are often in line with the major issues driving society today, and by devising increasingly complex methods of intervention that require greater expertise in a variety of fields, the players in archaeology are working together to rethink our vision of our history and our heritage.

Editor's notes

Ce hors-série n’aurait pu se faire sans l’implication des conservateurs régionaux et conservatrices régionales de l’archéologie, ni sans celle des directeurs et directrices adjoint(e)s scientifiques et techniques de l’Inrap et de leurs délégué(e)s, ni sans celle de nos collègues qui ont assuré la relecture scientifique des articles. Il est publié sous la direction scientifique de Marc Bouiron et de Christian Cribellier.

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