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1With this tenth issue, Arabian Humanities reaches a new landmark. This publication once again highlights the relevance and dynamism of social and human sciences as encouraged by the Centre français d’archéologie et de sciences sociales in the seven societies of the Arabian Peninsula for more than three decades. The will to transform the Chroniques Yéménites, expressed five years ago, to broaden its focus and establish a journal with a truly regional scope has been, to a large extent, successful.

2Since then, ten further issues delving into matters as diverse as gender, urbanism or dialects have all, through their multiple articles, made significant contributions to our collective understanding of the histories and societies of the Arabian Peninsula. They have also, and the editorial team takes particular pride in this dimension, given young researchers the opportunity to publish in an open-access peer-reviewed journal, some of them for the first time. This has been made possible through the remarkable commitment of each of the editors of the special dossiers. Let us thank all of them, as well as the anonymous reviewers without whom Arabian Humanities would not be able to maintain its pace of two issues published each year.

3Our current efforts, along with the CNRS and, seek to improve the ranking of the journal in international databases as well as its visibility, with the aim to further enhance proposals coming from the research community, in particular those stemming from the academic institutions of the Arabian Peninsula. We are also seeking to reach out more efficiently towards the Arabic-speaking public. Consequently, from now on abstracts will systematically be available in this language in addition to French and English.

4This latest issue, focusing on the transformations of families and marriage in the Gulf monarchies, fulfills the objective of enhancing the accessibility of innovative research conducted in the academic institutions of the Peninsula. Articles by researchers based in Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are part of a special dossier which pursues our effort to encourage comparative work within the Arabian Peninsula. Françoise de Bel‑Air, Blandine Destremau and Jihan Safar have assembled, with great enthusiasm and professionalism, a collection of eight essays which cover issues linked to law, intimate practices, migration and religion within the family sphere. These articles, along with the in-depth introduction, highlight the relevance of such a topic, which is undergoing profound transformations and yet has remained largely under the scientific radar. Beyond this special dossier, this tenth issue of Arabian Humanities also publishes five articles, reviews and documents. These all aim to contribute both to academic debates on the Peninsula as well as to the broader knowledge of a region which is fast changing and is likely to remain high on the global agenda.

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Laurent Bonnefoy, « Editorial »Arabian Humanities [En ligne], 10 | 2018, mis en ligne le 19 janvier 2019, consulté le 18 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Laurent Bonnefoy

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