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Guidelines for authors

Presentation of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be sent to the Editorial Office (address below) in PDF format, formatted with illustrations, before November 30.

In case of acceptance, the final version, taking into account the changes requested by the Committee, should be sent to the editorial office, separating text and images.

Authors will receive a word file with the detailed standards and a copy of the contract to be returned to the editorial office without delay (the standard contract is also available at this address:

The author should mention his or her name, address and the scientific organisation to which he or she belongs, as well as his or her official e-mail address, at the top of the notes. He/she should also indicate the date he/she wishes to see at the bottom of the article. When sending the paper, the author should indicate the e-mail address to which the proofs can be sent and the postal address. In addition, the author must undertake not to publish his or her article in another work (journal or collective volume). The author must also ensure that he/she has the necessary authorisations for all illustrations. After publication, the contribution is also published online on the OpenEdition Journals platform.


The contribution, typed or composed in Word, will be saved in an RTF format file, formatted as follows: body of the document in standard style, Times font 12 pts, double-spaced, without manual hyphenation of words; footnotes inserted and numbered automatically (Menu: Insert, Footnote), Times font 10 pts single-spaced.

The author will attach to the contribution an abstract (10 lines maximum) in French and Arabic, and in the language of the article if different, as well as a bi-/trilingual list of keywords specifying the geographical location (country, Roman province, city), the theme, the date... For non-Arabic speaking authors, the translation will be provided by the editorial staff.

If special characters are used – texts containing Greek, Libyan, Arabic, etc. – it is essential to provide the fonts used and to indicate clearly on the paper proof the presence of each of these characters. The fonts will be in TrueType (TTF file) or OpenType (OTF file) format.

Bibliographical notes

Abbreviated, they should be presented as follows: the name of the author in small caps, the date of publication and, where appropriate, the number(s) of the page(s), figure(s) and plate(s) (e.g. Le Glay 1961, p. 219, fig. 6, pl. XIX).


It is grouped alphabetically, then chronologically, of the authors at the end of the manuscript.

  • For one volume: Le Glay M. 1961, Saturne africain. Monuments, I, Paris.

  • For an article: Lassus J. 1971, “La salle à sept apsides de Djemila-Cuicul”, AntAfr 5, p. 193-207.


All illustrations will be provided free of charge for both the print and online editions. When a crop is required, it will be done by the author.

Line figures will be provided on layers or digitally (specify formats and software used). When these include text, the font(s) used must be included (check the option “Include fonts in the document” when saving the file).

The list of captions will be grouped in a separate file and will specifically mention the provenance or the author of the illustration.

The source files of the illustrations (photographs, maps and diagrams) will be saved in one of the following formats: .tif, .png, .bmp, .eps, .svg, .ai or .psd, at a size and resolution sufficient for use without enlargement and for printing, i.e.:

  • 300 dpi minimum for color images;

  • 600 dpi minimum for grayscale images;

  • 1200 dpi for line art.

The following are absolutely prohibited: illustrations and graphics directly inserted in a Word document ; low-resolution illustrations (less than 300 dpi) ; destructive compression formats (in particular, images in .jpg format).

Important: the illustrations must be prepared to the dimensions of the printable version: the page occupancy of AntAfr used for the printable version is 255 × 187 mm. An illustration therefore has two possible widths: 187 mm (full width on two columns) or 90 mm (1 column). The maximum height cannot exceed a full page of 255 mm.

Editorial standards

The bibliographical lemmas at the end of the text (with abbreviations in the footnotes)

They will be listed in alphabetical order of authors’ names, then by year. When the same author has published several articles in the same year, they will be arranged in alphabetical order of title and marked with a letter.

Journal articles and contributions to collective volumes

  • Author(s)

Last name(s) and first name(s), in Small Caps. For more than three authors, name of first author followed by “et alii”.

  • Year

When the same author has published several articles in the same year, the date will be followed by a letter (a, b, etc. in alphabetical order of titles). If several editions of the volume cited exist, the progressive number of the edition referred to should be indicated in the apex of the date).

  • Title

In quotation marks

  • Journal

Name of the journal in italics, abbreviated following the conventions of “L’Année Philologique”, which can be consulted online at:
Titles of periodicals not included in this list will be cited in extenso.

  • Volume number

“p.”, followed by the first and last page numbers.

  • Collective volume

    • “in” followed by the name(s) of the publisher(s) in Small Caps with “(dir.)”

    • Full title in italics

    • City of publication

    • Possible collection and volume number in brackets

    • “p.”, followed by the first and last page numbers

If several articles of a collective volume (exhibition catalogues, conference proceedings, excavation editions, Festschrifte...) are cited in the same article, the title of the volume will be the subject of a lemma and will be abbreviated (one or more words of the title, conventional abbreviation for conferences...) and followed by the date of publication.


  • Author(s). Last name(s) and first name(s), abbreviated, in Small Caps. For more than three authors, name of the first author followed by “et alii”.

  • Year. When the same author has published several articles in the same year, the date will be followed by a letter (a, b, etc. in alphabetical order of titles). If several editions of the volume cited exist, the progressive number of the edition referred to should be indicated in the apex of the date).

  • Title, always in italics

  • City of publication, possible collection and no. in brackets.


Ancient authors

When the quotation of a former author is included in the text, the reference follows it in brackets.

After the mention of the book/chapter and passage/to, it is good to cite in brackets the edition to which reference is made: Cic, Flacc., 28, 66 (Teubner).

Modern authors

The names of modern authors and their works will be abbreviated by indicating the name in Small Caps – the initial of the author’s first name appearing only in the case where several authors cited have the same name –, the date of publication and possibly the number(s) of the page(s) preceded by a comma. If the reference is to the entire work (article or monograph), the pages should not be indicated.

When the same author has published several articles in the same year, the footnote citation will consist of the name, date and a letter (a, b, etc. in alphabetical order of titles).

Lemmes (encyclopaedias, dictionaries)

Short title of the work according to usage (EAA, RE, DictAnt etc.), s.u. “ ”, name(s) of the author(s) of the lemma in parentheses.

Some examples

Aupert P. 1974, Le nymphée de Tipasa et les nymphées et septizonia nord-africains, Rome (CÉFR 16). Cite in note: Aupert 1974 or Aupert 1974, p…

Ben Baaziz S. 1986, « L’occupation humaine dans la plaine de Rohia et le Sraa Ouertane dans l’Antiquité », dans CTHS Montpellier 1986, p. 289-300.

Bonifay M. et alii 2015, Bonifay M., Botte E., Capelli C., Contino A., Djaoui D., Panella C., Tchernia A., « Nouvelles hypothèses sur l’origine et le contenu des amphores africaines Ostia LIX et XXIII », AntAfr 51, p. 213-218.

Brun C. 2007, « Étude technique des productions de l’atelier de Sidi Khalifa (Pheradi Maius, Tunisie) : céramiques culinaires, sigillées et cazettes », dans LRCW 2 2007, p. 569-579.

Capelli C., Bonifay M. 2007, « Archéométrie et archéologie des céramiques africaines : une approche pluridisciplinaire », dans LRCW 2 2007, p. 551-567.

Devijver H. 1991, « Equestrian Officers from North Africa », dans L’Africa romana VIII 1991, p. 127-201.

Duval N., Duval Y. 1972, « Fausses basiliques (et faux martyrs) : quelques bâtiments à auges d’Afrique », MEFRA 84, p. 675-719.

Ferchiou N. 1990, « Habitats fortifiés pré-impériaux en Tunisie antique », AntAfr 26, p. 43-86.

Ferembach D., Schwidetzky I., Stloukal M. 1977-79, « Raccomandazioni per la determinazione dell’età e del sesso sullo scheletro », Rivista di Antropologia 60, p. 5-52.

Günther L.M. 1991, « Nordafrika als Wirtschaftsfaktor im Oströmischen Reich unter Justinian I », dans L’Africa romana VIII 1991, p. 365-371.

Hitchner R.B. 2002a, « Olive Production and the Roman Economy », dans : W. Scheidel, S. Von Reden éd., The Ancient Economy, Edinbourgh (Edinbourgh Readings on the Ancient World), p. 71-83.

Hitchner R.B. 2002b, « Roman Thugga (Dougga) and its Territory », JRA 15, p. 597-599. KEHOE D.P. 1988, The Economics of Agriculture on Roman Imperial Estates in North Africa, Göttingen (Hypomnemata 89).

Kehoe D. P. 1988, The Economics of Agriculture on Roman Imperial Estates in North Africa, Göttingen (Hypomnemata 89).

Leynaud A.-F. 1922, Catacombes africaines (Sousse-Hadrumète), Alger.

LIMC, s.u. « Africa » (M. Leglay).

Peyras J. 1986, « Les campagnes de l’Afrique du Nord antique d’après les anciens gromatici », dans CTHS Montpellier 1986, p. 257-272.

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