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Notes for authors

The scientific articles published in Ambiances should contain between 25,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes, and bibliography) and comply with the following presentational guidelines.

Article formatting

The text of articles should be submitted in MSWord (.doc) format. Illustrations should be submitted in separate image files. The text and attached illustrations should be sent by email to:

The text of the article should start with the following items:

  • Title of the article in French (mandatory);

  • Sub-title of the article in French (optional);

  • Title of the article in English (mandatory);

  • Sub-title of the article in English (optional);

  • Title of the article in the language of the author(s), if neither French nor English (optional);

  • Sub-title of the article in the language of the author(s), if neither French nor English (optional);

  • First name and name of lead author;

  • Text introducing the lead author, comprising affiliation, duties and email address (<100 words);

  • First name and name of second author;

  • Text introducing the second author, comprising affiliation, duties and email address (<100 words);

  • First name and name of following author;

  • Text introducing the following author (<100 words);

  • Article abstract in French (<200 words);

  • Keywords in French: three to ten keywords, separated by commas;

  • Article abstract in English (<200 words);

  • Keywords in English: three to ten keywords, separated by commas.

The format of the text itself should be as simple as possible: Times or Times New Roman font, no justification, no style sheet, no hyphenation.

Titles should be clearly identified, in separate paragraphs. Do not use more than two levels of titles (in addition to the title of the article itself).

Text should not be formatted in any particular way (underlining, italics or bold characters, for example). Italics may however be used in specific cases:

  • For abbreviations and Latin expressions: sic, sq., in, id., ibid., et al., i. e. Terms such as cf., a priori, a posteriori, a fortiori, a contrario should not be italicized;

  • For the titles of works, journals, magazines, films or tables cited in the body of the text;

  • Exceptionally to highlight individual words or groups of words in the body of the text, particularly words which are the subject of analysis in the article (avoid bold characters or underlining);

  • For any term or turn of phrase in a language other than that used in the article.


Quotations must correspond exactly to the original text. Authors will be held responsible for their accuracy.

Short quotations (one or two lines) should be included in the text, between inverted commas, but not in italics.

Long quotations (exceeding two or three lines) should stand alone, with a left indent, a space before and after, without inverted commas but with the reference in brackets. For example:

Une rupture intervient si l’on fait l’hypothèse que la mobilité ne consiste pas à prendre place dans un ordre, mais à s’approprier une ressource pour en faire usage. […]. La mobilité n’apparaît plus alors comme un déplacement fortement balisé et organisé (par les institutions telles que l’école) entre des points fixes (comme également dans les étapes d’une initiation), mais comme une construction plus libre, plus individuelle, plus conjoncturelle. (Bourdin, 2005, p. 8)

In the case of extracts from interviews carried out by the author, the same rule applies. The name of the person surveyed and any other useful data should be placed in brackets.

  • 1 My translation of the original text: La perception de la causalité

Quotes in foreign languages should be translated, the original text being mentioned in a footnote. For example, “The perception of causality” (Michotte, 1954, p. 181)1

Any change by the author to the text of a quote (cuts, additions or replacement of words or letters) should be placed between square brackets. For example:

  • Cuts: […];

  • Changes: sampl[ing];

  • Commentaries: [the date on which the Treaty expired] or [we underline].


Text in an epigraph should be aligned right, with a left indent. For example:

No longer mourn for me when I am dead (W. Shakespeare)


When inserting an illustration in the text, add the following paragraphs:

A comment “Illustration 1:” followed by the mandatory title of the illustration (its number being incremented for each new illustration)

A caption for the illustration as required (this optional caption may, for example, be used to highlight certain details on a map or photograph)

The source of the illustration (mandatory)

The copyright holders for the illustration (mandatory)

These paragraphs should be inserted at the point in the text where the illustration should appear. The appropriate number should appear in the title of the separate image file corresponding to the illustration.

Figures and dates

The following rules apply:

Dates: write 1995-1998 (not 1995-98);

Page numbers: write p. 141-149 (neither 141-9, nor pp. 141-149);

Volumes: prefer Arabic numerals: vol. 1;

Centuries: 20th century;

French Republics written out in full: Third Republic, Fourth Republic;

Numbers of universities in Arabic numerals: Montpellier 3, Paris 12;

First: 1st;

Second: 2nd.


Footnotes should be used sparingly, with no more than 20 notes in a long article, half that number for a shorter piece.

Footnotes should not be used to specify bibliographic references, except for an epigraph or references used in an accessory manner.

In all cases individual footnotes should not exceed 100 words.

Links to bibliographic references

In the body of the text links to bibliographic references should be entered between brackets and consist of:

  • The family name of the lead author, followed by a comma;

  • The year of publication, followed by a letter if the bibliography contains several works by this author for the same year;

  • The page number when this information is relevant.

For example: (Thibaud, 1998a, p. 190), (Thibaud, 1998a, 1998b), (Thibaud, 1998; Chelkoff, 2002), (Howes, 1999, p. 393 and ff.), (Foucault, 2001, p. 1021; 2003, p. 133).

When a referenced work has several authors, add ‘et al.’ after the name of the third author. For example: (Chelkoff, Thibaud, Leroux et al., 2012).

Page numbers must be preceded by “p.”. Do not use “pp. ”.

When the following reference refers to the same work, use “ibid.”: (ibid., p. 192). It may be used on its own, when referring to the same page as in the previous quote. In the same paragraph, even “ibid.” may not be necessary: (p. 123); (p. 124).

For old works which have been republished, links should include the original date of publication, followed by the date of the edition cited in the bibliography. For example: (Rabelais, 1532, 2008).

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references should be gathered together at the end of an article, under the title “Bibliography”. References should appear in alphabetic order, according to the author’s name. Only the first name of each author should be written out in full. As far as possible the first names of the authors must be developed, the number of pages of the works provided, the town of edition given. The following formatting rules apply to references:

Collective work

Zardini, Mirko (Ed.). 2005. Sensations urbaines, une approche différente à l’urbanisme, [Exposition. Montréal. CCA. 2006]. Montréal: Lars Muller.

Work with collection and first edition mentioned

Augoyard, Jean-François. 2010 [1979]. Pas à pas : essai sur le cheminement quotidien en milieu urbain. Grenoble : A la Croisée.

Journal article

Watts, Greg R; Pheasant, Rob J & Horoshenkov, Kirill V. 2011. Predicting perceived tranquillity in urban parks and open spaces. Environment and Planning B. p. 585-594.

Article in an electronic journal

Desroches, Dominic. 2011. La fabrication du climat politique - Analyse de l’espace émotionnel et de la communauté d’émotions. Implications philosophiques [online]. Available online at: (consulted on October 26, 2012).

Chapter in a collective work

Crunelle, Marc. 2002. Smell and architecture what is the connection? = Odorat et architecture : quels liens ? In: Candau, Joël ; Grasse, Marie-Christine & Holley, André (eds.). Fragrances : du désir au plaisir. Marseille : Ed. Jeanne Laffitte. p. 183-189.

Paper in the published proceedings of a congress

Audas, Nathalie. 2012. Les prises affectives des lieux en tant qu’expression de l’ambiance urbaine. In : Thibaud, Jean-Paul & Siret, Daniel (eds.). 2012. Ambiances in action - Ambiances en actes : Proceedings of the 2nd international congress on ambiances - Actes du 2nd congrès international sur les ambiances, Montréal, 19 - 22 septembre 2012. Grenoble : Réseau international Ambiances : École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Grenoble. p. 245-250.

Full proceedings

Bourdakis, Vassilis & Charitos, Dimitris (eds.). 2006. Communicating Spaces(s): Proceedings of the 24th conference on education in computer-aided architectural design in Europe, 6-9 September 2006, Volos. Volos (Greece): School of Engineering, University of Thessaly.

Online PhD thesis

Karoui, Hind. 2012. Sensibilité aux ambiances lumineuses dans l’architecture des grandes demeures husseinites du XVIIIe - début XIXe siècles [online]. PhD thesis. Tunis : École Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Tunis. Available online at: (consulted on September 19, 2012).

Report or grey literature

Gresset, Philippe. 1990. La ville au risque du pittoresque. Paris : École d’Architecture de Paris-Villemin ; Bureau de la recherche architecturale (BRA). Research report.

Dupagne, Albert & Hauglustaine, Jean-Marie. 1984. Architectural design, a case study. Liège : Université de Liège. Rapport de recherche n° EEA-5-060-B(G). 109 pages.

Films / Music

Rio Cresson (Pseudo). 2010. Marcher ensemble [online] Rio de Janeiro. Laboratoire Cresson. Vidéo : 3'28. Available online at: (consulted on October 24, 2012).

Valcin, Nadine (réal.). 2005. Une école sans frontière [online]. Montréal : Office National du Film, 51'. Available online at: (consulted on February 21, 2008).


Podz, Louis Bolduc (dir.), Avard, François & Mercier, Jean-François (aut). 2006. Les Bougon, c’est aussi ça la vie [DVD]. Television series. Montréal: Atlantis Vivafilm. 5 DVDs, 578'.

Internet site

Centre de Ressources Électroniques sur les Villes. Tours : MSH Val de Loire. Available online at: (consulted on November 3, 2012).

Published image

Söderström, Ola. [1996]. Debate session during seminar. Photography. In: Söderström, Ola. Des images pour agir : le visuel en urbanisme. Lausanne: Éditions Payot. 2000. p. 98.

For documents which may be accessed online, you should add the following information to the usual references: [on line]. Available online at: http://... (consulted on <Month> <Day>, <Year>).


1 My translation of the original text: La perception de la causalité

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