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HomeIssuesNúmero especial | II

Número especial | II | 2022
Walter Benjamin, materiales antropológicos

Distensiones de lo humano
Edited by Nicolás López and Carlos Pérez López
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Credits: Francisca Ovalle López. Extracto de "Marcas de lo invisible", 2019

This edition of Anthropology & Materialism, our second special issue, is dedicated to an exploration of anthropological motifs and concepts in the philosophy of Walter Benjamin. In the contributions to this issue, the Benjaminian conception of Anthropology is studied in its confrontation with philosophical anthropologies and Critical Theory, as well as with certain conceptions of the Freudian theory of culture. The Benjaminian concept of anthropological materialism is also deepened in various themes such as the tension between the human and the non-human, the relationship between body, affect and image, the various turns of the concept of aura from a political reading of the masses, and the idea of an aesthetic-political potential in the forms of erotic art and pornography. In this way, the volume seeks to open a new field of readings of Benjamin's work, highlighting the possibilities and meanings for the present of the anthropological materials in his philosophical program.

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