Instructions to authors
Haut de pageSubmission of articles
The proposed texts (in French or in English) must be unpublished, and are subject to the appreciation of the Editorial committee of the issue. Any proposed corrections are forwarded to the author by the Editorial committee.
Ideally, a pdf version of the text should be transmitted with the Word version. If the text contains special characters, tables, images etc., the pdf version is absolutely necessary.
Iconographic documents (photographs, graphics, maps, etc.) must be accompanied by titles and/or captions, and imperatively sources/credits. The author must also have permission to reproduce the images present in his article.
In addition to the article, provide an abstract in French and in English, a few keywords (in French and in English), and the description of the author (NAME, first name, status and institution).
Formatting of articles
The text (about 40,000 characters, bibliography, spaces and footnotes included) must be composed in .doc or .docx format, with a minimal layout which must show the logical structure of the text, presented as simply as possible.
The typographical standards of the journal mainly follow the Typographical Rules in use at the National Printing Office.
For authors using Zotero, the appropriate style to use is the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date).
It is best to use Times New Roman font and single line spacing.
No word breaks are needed.
The hierarchy of headings should be clearly visible. Preferably they will be numbered (1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2, etc.).
Each paragraph change will be indicated by a paragraph.
Footnotes should be presented at the bottom of the page, using Word's automatic algebraic numbering.
No footnote should be inserted in the title of an article or in the titles of the different parts.
Short quotations (less than 3 lines) must remain in the text thread in quotation marks.
Long quotations must be detached from the text and clearly identifiable (left and right indent, space before and after, without quotation marks).
Quotations in English are in roman; foreign language quotes are in italics.
Breaks within a quotation should be indicated in square brackets: […]
The complete reference (with pagination) of the work from which a quotation is taken must be mentioned.
Use of italics
Italics are used only for the titles of works, journals, for foreign words and for Latin expressions.
Italics should be avoided to make text stand out: to highlight a word or part of the text, it is preferable to use quotation marks (we will use italics in a passage already in quotation marks).
Underline and bold should never be used.
Bibliographic references
The journal's bibliographic reference system is the Author/Date method.
The references (Author Date) are therefore placed in the text in parentheses, and the development and classification of these references is done at the end of the text, in alphabetical order of the authors and in chronological order for each author.
For authors using Zotero, the appropriate style to use is the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date).
In the text: (Name of author Year of publication, page number)
E.g.: (Bourdieu 1993, 70)
In the bibliography at the end of the article: Author's surname, Author's first name. Year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.
E.g.: Bourdieu, P. 1993. La misère du monde. Paris: Seuil.
In the text: (Name of author Year of publication, page number)
E.g.: (Bourdieu 1996, 3)
In the bibliography at the end of the article: Author's surname, Author's first name. Year of publication. “Title of the article.” Name of the journal volume number (month of publication): pagination of the article. URL if online resource.
E.g.: Bourdieu, P. 1996. “Des familles sans nom.” Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 113: 3-5.
Contribution to a collective work
In the text: (Name of author Year of publication, page number)
E.g.: (Bourdieu 2009)
In the bibliography at the end of the article: Author's surname, Author's first name. Year of publication. “Title of the article.” in Author’s last name First name initial (ed./dir.) Book title. Place of publication: publisher, pagination.
E.g.: Bourdieu, P. 2009. “Les conditions sociales de la circulation internationale des idées.” in Sapiro G. (dir.) L’espace intellectuel en Europe. Paris: La Découverte, 27-39.
- Family names are written in lowercase. Only initials are capitalized.
- In an article in English, the editorial mentions (ed., dir., city of publication etc.) are in English and the English typographical rules apply even in the references of titles in a foreign language.
- If the reference includes two authors, they are separated by “and”. If there are more than two authors, the first are separated by commas, the last two by “and” (do not use the ampersand &).
- In the bibliography, for references with several authors, only the name of the first author is reversed (Last name, First name). For the following authors: First name Last name.
In the text: (Bourdieu and Passeron 1968)
In the bibliography at the end of the article: Bourdieu, P. and J.-C. Passeron. 1968. Le métier de sociologue. Paris: Mouton.