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References manager software

We recommend the use of any program compatible with Citation Style Language (CLS), such as Mendeley (free) and Zotero (open source and free) or other. The citation style of the Anuário Antropológico is that of the Chicago Citation Style 17th Edition.

To facilitate the citation of articles published in Anuário Antropológico, we have created a collection that contains all articles published in our journal from 1977 to the present. This collection is available for download and import in BibTeX format.

Tutorials for importing the collection

Image 100000000000001600000016E15B4AC1FAAD0C6C.png[link] Image 100000000000001B0000001B00D8E3C471730196.png[link]

Tutorials for inserting citations and creating bibliographies

Image 100000000000001600000016E15B4AC1FAAD0C6C.png[link] Image 100000000000001B0000001B00D8E3C471730196.png[link]

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